【禁闻】薄案开审前 薄瓜瓜发表声明

【新唐人2013年08月21日讯】薄案开审前 薄瓜瓜发表声明

在各界关注的中共前重庆市委书记薄熙来案开审前,薄熙来在美国读书的儿子薄瓜瓜,罕见发表声明,声称正密切关注他的父亲和母亲被 “秘密拘禁”的处境。















Before Bo went on trial, Bo Guagua issued a statement.

Before former Chongqing Party secretary, Bo Xilai’s trial starts
Bo’s son Bo Guagua who is studying in USA, unusually released a statement.
He claimed that he paid close attention to the conditions of his
parents’ clandestine detention.

Bo Guagua’s statement published on August 19 in New York Times.
However, by far, there is no independent source which can verify
the statement written by Bo Guagua.

In his statement, Bo Guagua said if his well-being had been bartered
for his father’s acquiescence or his mother’s further cooperation,
then the verdict will clearly carry no moral weight.

What Guagua said in his statement is thought to reply the
rumor that Bo Xilai or Gu Kailai might accept the conditions
and requirement from the authority, to guarantee
Guagua not to be investigated or hurt.

Voice of America (VOA) cited Gao Yu, an independent
media authority in Mainland China that Guagua had been
involved in his father’s case.
It’s the nomenclatures’ privilege that the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) didn’t investigate him.
Now, that Guagua talked about moral was actually desecration to the legal.

However, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily comments that from
behave of Bo viciously broke his father Bo Yibo’s one rib
and indifference to his eldest son Li Wangzhi,
we can see that Bo Xilai was a disowned person and
couldn’t cooperate with authority for his son.

The Epoch Times reported, in fact, Bo’s biggest crime was to harvest
organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and trafficking their bodies.
However, this crime is covered up by the CCP regime.

Heywood’s family disagreed for compensation.

Before the upcoming trial of Bo Xilai, the public also concerns
family of British businessman Neil Heywood who was killed by Gu Kailai.

On August 19, a lawyer who said he was appointed by Heywood’s
family, openly made declaration.
He said the recent statement published on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) about
Heywood’s mother requested compensation, was not provided by the family.

However, WSJ reported that sources who has close tie with
Heywood’s family confirmed that the statement which was
issued to WSJ came from Heywood’s mother.

The source also said that the lawyer represented only Heywood’s
Chinese widow, but not his mother and sister.

WSJ analyzed that it indicates the disagreement had
occurred in Heywood’s family.

The report said the confusion over the compensation issue
were exposed just three days before the scheduled opening of the trial of Bo Xilai.
It added another complication to the challenge
facing the CCP leadership as it attempts to stage-manage Bo’s trial.
