【禁闻】解聘“倒宪”教授杨晓青 习反击江派

【新唐人2013年06月24日讯】“人民大学”副教授杨晓青,上个月在中共理论性刊物《红旗文稿》,登出一篇题为《宪政与人民民主制度之比较研究》的文章后,在中国社会掀起了“倒宪”与“挺宪”的辩论。这个为社会主义卖命的教授,最近被“人民大学”解聘了。为什么呢? 请看本台记者的报导。






网友留言说: 想投机,却成了替罪羊。







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/葛雷

Why Professor Yang of Renmin University get Fired?

Last month, Yang Xiaoqing, an associate professor
at China’s Renmin University,
published an article in Hong Qi Wen Gao, an internal
magazine of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The article is titled “Comparison between Constitutional
Governance and Socialistic People’s Democracy”.
This has led to a wide discussion among Chinese about
whether to support or deny constitutionalism.
However, the author who devoted herself to supporting
socialistic regime was recently fired by Renmin University.

On May 22nd, Yang Xiaoqing’s article
was published online.
It said: “The key institutional elements of constitutionalism
only fit capitalist countries and do not fit socialist countries”.

Days ago, news of professor Yang Xiaoqing being fired
by Renmin University has been spreading on the internet.
It’s widely believed that this is directly related
to her article on the constitutional system.
On the other hand, the official announcement claimed that

Yang’s one-year contract had reached it’s end,
and the decision was only a regular one.

After being published, Yang’s article had been reprinted
by the CCP’s mouthpiece media on a large scale.
At the same time, it has received heavy criticism by
scholars and other media.

Senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming says that in the past
several decades the CCP never really abided by the law.
During Jiang Zemin’s rule, China’s legal system
was further destroyed to an absurd extent.
The consequential social conflicts have become so intense
that the CCP’s governance has been threatened.
After Xi Jinping took power, he attempted to save the
situation by presenting “a dream of constitutionalism”.
Zhao believes that firing Yang Xiaoqing was an initial step
of striking back at Jiang’s group by Xi.

Zhao Yuanming: ”As a professor, Yang dared to
publicly oppose Xi Jinping’s route because she was a follower of Jiang Zemin.
The acts taken by Jiang’s group in May were completely
directed against Xi.
Therefore I think either Yang and her like, or other
media that attacked the constitutional system
will face purging by Xi in the recent future.”

Some Chinese netizens have said that Yang wanted to
speculate politically, but ended up a scapegoat.

Political commentator Lan Shu says that
with China’s economy on the verge of collapse,
social conflicts are being rapidly intensified.
In such a situation, if power struggles between the CCP’s
reformist faction and leftist faction is further made public,
the collapse of the regime will come even earlier.

Accordingly, CCP leaders want to hastily quell
the fierce battle.

Lan Shu: “Openly battling equates to announcing
the split of the party to everyone.
So it’s not strange to see any party leader
punishing those who attacked the other group publicly.
They not to openly have battles between the two factions.

They want to at least maintain the Party’s image of
cohesion and unity in public.”

Ma Yong, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, told NTD that back in 2006 Yang Xiaoqing
had presented the same theory to criticize He Xiaofang,
a law professor at Peking University.
Ma says Yang closed her self off too much and might
never get rid of the poison of Marxism from her mind.

Ma Yong: ”Her mind has been misdirected by
the education she received and her job,
which leads to her insistence in Marxist theory.

Maybe she won’t be able to realize the mistake until death,
which is really both pitiable and absurd.
In the 21st century, even children know that
the constitutional system is a good thing.
No matter whether inside or outside the regime, nobody will
say ‘the constitutional system doesn’t fit socialism’ any more.”

The Epoch Times’ Nine Commentaries on
the Communist Party points out that,
in the past, peasants were deceived by
the CCP to grab land from landlords,
but were treated as inferior citizens in the end;

workers were deceived to grab the wealth of capitalists,
but ended up the jobless class.
Many of the CCP’s founders and leaders
have even been persecuted to death by the party.
Only the most evil ones can strengthen the CCP’s ability
to survive and take what they need from the party.

Zhou Yahui is a blogger who worked at
Renmin University for ten years.
Zhou says that at Renmin University there are at least
several thousand teachers who think like Yang Xiaoqing.
Zhou also says that when Renmin University was founded
around 1950 in Beijing, its initial goal was to train CCP cadres,
so since it’s beginning it has been a base for the CCP
to contaminate people’s minds with Marxist ideology.
