


这篇题为《下单订购心脏》(Herz auf Bestellung)的文章,用一名死刑犯的遭遇,引出法轮功学员被活摘器官的事实,并对欧洲部分与此有关的医院和医药公司提出道德指问。

文章介绍,加拿大律师大卫•麦塔斯(David Matas)和前加拿大检察官大卫•乔高(David Kilgour)收集到大量信息,有力的证明中国大陆医院和劳教所,以及监狱系统运作,专门活体摘取法轮功学员器官的事实。



贵州警民冲突 村民砸车 千警围村

据《中国茉莉花革命》网站报导,贵州省台江县革一乡后哨村村民,因不满政府低价征地,集会抗议近一个月。 3月21号,村民与地方当局发生激烈冲突,多辆政府征地车辆被砸。随后当局派出上千特警包围村庄,并殴打、抓捕抗议村民,数十人被抓捕,大批村民被打伤。








German Media Reveals Organ Trafficking Of
The Chinese Communist Party

German media ZEIT published an article on March 7th, which
revealed organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The report reveals facts of organ harvesting from Falun Gong
practitioners with the western worlds’ support of this crime.
This article shocked German society.

The article titled “Herzauf Bestellung” starts with
a story of an executed prisoner in China, which reveals
facts of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
The story also questions the morality of relevant hospital
and medicine companies in Europe.

The article introduced information collated by Canadian lawyer
David Matas and former Canadian prosecutor David Kilgour.
The information clearly proves that Falun Gong practitioners’
organs were removed when they were still alive. in China’s
hospitals and labor camps.

Apparently western hospitals and doctors have given technology
support to China’s organ transplant centers, without question.
The story says Chinese doctors are supported by
German medical technology.
They are allowed to transplant organs from executed prisoners,
which is a technology trampling on human rights.

The story also reveals that the CCP has been taking organs
from executed prisoners for a very long time.

Clash With Police in Guizhou, Villagers Smash Police Cars

According to Molihua.org, Houshao villagers in Taijiang County
of Guizhou province have been protesting at officials’ low-cost
land acquisition for almost a month.
On March 21st, a clash with police broke out.

Many government land acquisition cars were damaged.
Local authority dispatched over 1000 special police.
The police beat and arrested dozens of protesters.
many villagers were injured.

Local Internet and communication are currently cut off.

Every 10 Minutes, One Person Dies From Tuberculosis In China

March 24th is World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. China is one of
the countries with the worst tuberculosis situation worldwide.

According to RFI, China has 42% of its population infected
with TB bacilli. Every 10 minutes, one person dies from TB.

The report says the World Health Organization (WHO)
estimated China had one million people infected with TB bacilli.
This was second only to India so becoming the second
largest country of TB patients in the world.

The report quoted the speech of deputy director of China’s
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Center Chen Mingting.
He said the population infected with TB bacilli in China was
more than one third of the worlds population with the disease.
There are 550 million people infected with TB bacilli,
ten percent of whom will suffer an outbreak.
