【禁闻】全球十大风险 中共信息控制居二

【新唐人2013年01月09日讯】国际政治风险咨询公司“欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)”,最新公布的“2013年全球十大风险”排名,中共当局如何控制信息的风险被排名第二。报告说,随着一件件高官贪腐丑闻被揭露,中共在第一回合信息战中已输给人民,接下来,中共为避免不利信息影响到政权的合法性,很可能将人民的不满情绪,导向“民族主义”,因此挑起对外冲突。













采访编辑/李韵 后制/王明宇

China’s Information Control Ranks Second in World’s Top Ten Risks

Eurasia Group, the international political risk consulting
firm, has just published “the world’s top ten risks in 2013.”
China’s control of information is ranked second.

The report said that the news of high-ranking officials’
corruption scandals has been exposed one after another.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was
defeated in the first round of information warfare.
In order to avoid adverse impact on the
legitimacy of the regime, the CCP is likely
to turn public discontent into “nationalism”.
It is thought that they may provoke a foreign conflict.

The latest top ten global risk report says the majority
of the middle class with better education in China
has increased their need for information.

The CCP is unable to control the
spread of sensitive information.
Exposing every high-ranking official’s corruption
is a defeat for the CCP in the information war.

The legitimacy of the CCP has long
been questioned by the outside world.
However, since the CCP seized power, it has
never given up control of sensitive information.
In recent years, with the development of the
Internet, the CCP strengthened its control.
Despite many Internet users being arrested or sent
to forced labor camps, it still has not managed
to prevent the spread of sensitive information.

Liu Yiming, freelance Chinese writer: “As long as it’s insiders
breaking the news on the internet, it becomes a public event.
There are some sensitive issues, such as the
environmental pollution incidents in Shanxi.
Officials tried their best to control the news.
After five days, media disclosed the incident.
Thus, the CCP’s ability to control
information is getting weaker.”

Zhang Xinyu, founder of the “Global Freedom of
Information Movement,” pointed out that
the reason the CCP controls the flow of information
is to suppress human nature.
The CCP has aroused the dissatisfaction
of the Chinese people for quite a while.

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Freedom of Information
Movement: “Worthwhile things are happening in 2013.
At the beginning of this year, it was
the “Southern Weekly “incident.
Hundreds of people went to the
agency’s front door in support.
This means Chinese people and students felt they were
being cheated by the government, and were very angry.”

On January 2, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee
Propaganda Minister Tuo Zhen tampered with the
“Southern Weekend" New Year special edition.

Newspaper editors and reporters went on strike in protest,

Celebrities and scholars joined in,
co-signing a petition in support.
On January 7 and 8, hundreds of Internet users
and readers were in front of to the newspaper agency.
They were holding placards and flowers asking
Tuo Zhen to step down, and offer an apology.
They also requested constitutional reform,
freedom of the press, and freedom of speech.

Eurasia Group President Ian Bremer spoke in a
telephone press conference on January 7, 2013.
He said it is likely we will see more acts of Chinese
nationalism, as a result of the CCP information war.
This will significantly affect US-China relations,
and make capitalism be more threatening.
It also raises a possibility of conflict in the East China Sea
and South China Sea, especially with China and Japan.

Liu Yiming commented that nationalism works well in China.

When China had conflicts with the United States
or Japan, as long as the CCP agitated it a little,
the Chinese people would immediately unite together,
turning their internal anger toward the foreign country.

Liu Yiming: “Nationalism can really help to shift the
attention of Chinese people, but not completely.
This is because it is not a time of war, and there
are only small conflicts with foreign countries.
Domestic conflicts would be more obvious, and the
public attention will be more focused on the CCP.”

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Freedom of Information
Movement: “When domestic conflicts evolve into
irreversible threats to the Chinese Communist
regime, it is likely that it will launch a foreign war.”

Zhang Xinyu: “This Southern Weekly
incident is posing hard to quieted down.
If it becomes more significant, it might
provoke a fight over the Diaoyu Islands.
Then everyone’s attention will shift to there instead.

Even if it can provoke such an incident,
winning that war is uncertain.
Thus, this is a very good year and
we have a lot to look forward to.”

China’s conflict with Japan is ranked
fifth among the world’s top ten risks.
The report also mentioned China’s trade and economic
relations with Taiwan and South Korea having improved.
This has seen the importance of Japanese
technology and investment in China decreasing.
The outcome of Japan’s recent election and the
East China Sea island dispute will create more
difficulties in a Sino-Japan relationship.
