【禁闻】网民反审查招数多 当局防不胜防








去年4月初,微博上被屏蔽的多是“中南海”等未经修饰的词条,但渐渐的,“liusi(六四)”等拼音也被列入屏蔽范围。而今年2月王立军事件爆发后,连“王丽娟护士长(指王立军副市长)” “重庆火锅(指薄熙来)”等隐晦的“代称”也都被禁。


在五花八门的“代称”中,有取自名字谐音的“康师傅”(指中共政治局常委周永康)、有源自当事人外貌特征的“墨镜哥”(指盲人维权人士陈光诚),也有表现地理位置与意识形态特征的“西红柿” (指重庆市唱红)等。





采访/刘惠 编辑/李谦 后制/王明宇

Internet Users Create More Tricks in War Against Censorship.
Creating Havoc for the Authorities.

In recent years mainland authorities have established what
believed to be, the worlds largest internet monitoring censorship.
Research carried out at University of California in Berkeley,
UCB along with ‘Sina Microblog’,
three ‘other’ case sensitive words have become
blacklisted upon the web.
This means, with the emergence of this new type of
network media,
the war is escalating between the official’s review of
the system and the netizens’ anti-censorship.
Internet users are constantly creating new words,
leaving the authorities struggling to block these off.

China Digital Times website, founded in the US at UCB,
began collecting banned search words
from Sina Microblog last April 2011.
By August 2012, a total of 1543 ‘sensitive words’ are said
to be listed upon Sina Microblogs.
Making an average 3.2 new words, deemed sensitive every day.

Founder of the Global Freedom of Information Movement,

Zhang Xinyu, commented to NTD how, as a regime, CCP is
now faced with the global threat of modern network media.
With its constant need to escalate their network and
media blockages.

Zhang Xinyu: “CCP relies on lies and violence
to maintain its regime. If it wants to use lies,
if it does not filter words, there is no way to continue
its lies. Therefore, it is bound to use filtered words.”

May of last year saw the ‘Jasmine Revolution’ spread
across the Middle East through to North Africa.
This sparked CCP in to the action of establishing a new
institution. ‘The National Internet Information Office’.
Allowing them stricter controls upon the internet nationally.

Former Chinese intelligence officer Li Fengzhi: “The social
situations are bad now; the CCP might increase the strength its network blocking.
Network is a very troublesome thing for CCP,
it is a high-tech, new media.
There are many ways to spread information through
Now network is the biggest challenge facing the CCP.”

Singapore’s ‘Lianhe Zaobao’ analyzed how the list from
University of California, Berkeley,
vividly reflected the Internets version 2.0 and
netizens anti review tricks also entering into the version 2.0 .
The game ‘review and anti-censorship’ is escalating for
review agencies and Internet users.

Early April of last year, censorship to words such as
“Zhongnanhai" began to occur upon Sino Microblog.
Gradually, Pinyin liusi(June 4th) also became blocked.

After Wang Lijun event in February of this year,
even the alluding words such as matron of Wang Lijuan (deputy mayor of Wang Lijun),
Chongqing hot pot (alluding to Bo Xilai) were also
shielded and blocked.

In protest to all anti-censorship, Internet users are no longer
simply using methods such as the delimiter or Pinyin,
nor slightly packaging sensitive words.

They’ve started to use a great variety of ‘codenamed’ phrases,
forming the mainland microblog into a ‘codenamed’ era.

In the usage of such ‘codenames’, Master Kang refers to
Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang, as ‘Homophonic’ because of his name.
‘Sunglasses man’ refers to Blind human rights activist
Chen Guangcheng because of his physical characteristics.
‘Tomatoes’ means ‘Chongqing famous red songs’
because of the location and ideology features.

Zhang Xinyu told reporters how the authoritarian regime
continues to disintegrate and disappear,
which has become a major trend in the world today.

Therefore, the requirements of the Chinese people
for democracy and freedom are growing daily.

Zhang Xinyu: “It is inevitable how the wisdom of the Chinese
people is increasing. For the rulers of the dictatorial regime,
they must try every means to deal with the improvement
of the peoples ever growing intelligence.
One of its ways is to constantly upgrade the filtering and
blockading on the web of so called ‘sensitive’ words.”

In June of this year, the University of Hong Kong Journalism
and Media Studies Center, launched a project called ‘microblog vision’.
Its purpose is to monitor the reviewed and deleted content
on the Sina microblog.
The principal investigator of the project Fu Jinghua pointed out,
compared to other countries, mainland China’s Internet censorship is ‘the largest and most complex’.

According to the internationally renowned media monitoring
organization ‘Reporters without Borders’, recently published its latest annual report.
The global ranking chart freedom of press in mainland China
continued to decline in 2011, ranking in globally, bottom.
In all of the 179 countries and regions, China ranked 174.
It is upon a global market, ranked sixth from the bottom.
