







“权利运动”发起人之一 胡军:“ 临时工干的,可以不承担任何法律责任,这就是中国政府的流氓行为,它为什么要搞一个城管出来呢,原因就在这里。如果反过来的话,如果是警察的话,政府有责任,那么它要搞个城管出来,它可以说不属于政府行为。”







采访编辑/李韵 后制/肖颜

Human Rights Watch Report: China’s Para-Police Abuses Citizens

Chengguan, the city urban administrative officers in China
have always been abhorred by Chinese people for their savage and cruel working style.
In early May, the organization Human Rights Watch (HRW)
announced that “there are serious problems in the CCP’s Chengguan system which need to be urgently solved”.
Later on May 23rd, it released another 76-page-long report
in Hong Kong, which describes and further criticizes how Chengguan illegally violates human rights.
The report says that, there is still a lack official monitoring
of Chengguan officers, who frequently impair public safety rather than protecting it.

According to VOA, the international organization HRW
named its report released on May 23rd
“Just beat them and confiscate all”, which is the conventional
language used by Chengguan.
The report records dozens of cases in which Chengguan has
violated human rights by illegally detaining or beating the victims.

Earlier on May 8th, HRW said that the CCP’s Chengguan
system had become the synonym of “illegal killing, use of violence, torture, detention, theft and extortion ”.
The latest report further pointed out that,
“The Chengguan problems in Chinese cities are serious and need to be resolved urgently”.

According to the report, since 1997 Chinese Chengguan has
had a bad reputation for arbitrarily using violence and not being punished even after violating the law.
Officially, the City Urban Administrative and Law
Enforcement Bureau is defined as an auxiliary police agency
which manages the execution of civil laws or regulations
in urban areas.
In China, there are thousands of officers working for
the agency known as “Chengguan” in 656 cities.

The report pointed out that, currently there is still no unified
framework in regulating the power of Chengguan’s position;
There’s no standard training procedure or rule in regulating
their professional integrity;
Thus the management ways are quite different
in different places.

The report also records 25 victims of Chengguan’s
violence in “enforcing the law”.
These people told HRW that it’s quite normal for them to be
slapped on the face, pushed or beaten to the ground.
Some of them were even illegally arrested or
had arbitrary fines imposed.

One of the founders of the Human Rights Campaign in China
Hu jun remarked that,
the CCP’s Chengguan system is illegal,
which proves the invalidity of the Chinese regime;
It provides an excuse for the CCP, who can unscrupulously
evade responsibility by saying “crimes are conducted by temporary officers”.

Hu jun: “The regime is not responsible for what temporary
officers have done.
That’s how unscrupulous the CCP authority is.
Why did it introduce the Chengguan system? This is the reason.
If the crimes are conducted by the police,
the government has to be responsible.
For the Chengguan system, it can argue that
it’s behavior is not official.”

Hu Jun remarked that, the CCP authority was relying on
Chengguan to strengthen its control over Chinese civilians,
which suggests that it has lost confidence in its own regime;
it can only hire temporary workers such as “Chengguan” to maintain the regime.

Chinese lawyer Li Tiantian said that, Chengguan’s illegal
violence on vendors violates the principle of rule of law.

Li Tiantian: “There’s no law to authorize any department,
organization or individual to manage the street vendors.
Without law to enforce, in fact any kind of management
is illegal.
Even if Chengguan system has its own regulations or rules,
they are still beyond any real authority and hence illegal.”

On the Internet, there are many videos on “Chinese
Chengguan”, which vividly describe how they use violence in their job.

“Free some time, and free some space.
Frequently drive out and around the city.
Confiscate some slippers from street sellers.
Collect a good meal from food vendors.
Frequently drive around and around, even just to freely
take a watermelon or harvest a bowl.
As temporary workers, we never think of
making contributions to our country.”

Li Tiantian further remarked that, there are countless
examples of illegal behavior under the CCP’s gangster regime;
Chengguan violence is only one example
of that phenomenon.
He believes that to completely solve all the problems,
the only way is to overturn the CCP’s dictatorship.
