【禁闻】澳总理访华 关注中国人权


澳总理吉拉德首次以总理身份访华。 4月26号,她与温家宝举行了为时45分钟的谈话。

据了解,吉拉德在和温家宝的会谈结束后对媒体记者表示,除了经贸议题外,她也明确的向温家宝表达了澳大利亚在中国人权问题上的态度,她说:“澳大利亚希望中共不要在人权问题上开倒车。” 但温家宝回应,他不认为中国的人权状况是在倒退。


《法新社》26号在《澳总理访华提人权 温家宝否认倒退 民众驳斥》的报导中,提到了中国民众的反应,报导说:他们例举了目前非常典型的案例:自茉莉花革命以来,中共至少抓捕了上百人,并加强对宗教信仰团体打压,艺术家艾未未“失踪”、北京维权律师金光鸿遭到严重迫害,被送进精神病院等,中共既没有道德底线也没有法律底线,又怎么会否认人权倒退?








Australian PM Spotlights China’s Human Rights

In her visit to China, Australian Premier Julia Gillard
spoke with the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao .
about her concerns of China’s human rights record,
ethnic minorities issues, religious freedom,
and the treatment of human rights activists.
Wen denied China’s human rights regression.

Julia Gillard spoke with Wen Jiabao on April 26
during her first visit to China as a Prime Minister.

Gillard said her talks focused on trade relations,
as well as human rights issues.
“I did have the opportunity
to raise with Premier Wen issues
associated with Australia’s concerns
with human rights", Gillard told reporters.
“He did indicate his view is China has not taken
a backward step on human rights."

When asked if she was satisfied
with Wen’s response, Gillard replied,
“What we do is raise our concerns and
I’ve done that very clearly with Premier Wen today."

According to AFP’s April 26 report, Wen’s reponse
has deeply disappointed the Chinese public.
The public questions the human rights situation
in China, pointing to recent cases of human rights
violation, including the arrest of Jasmine Rallies’
participants, suppression of religious groups,
the disappearance of Ai Weiwei,
and the persecution of lawyer Jin Guanghong.

Zhang Xiaogang, Secretary General
of Independent Chinese PEN Center told VOA
that he believes Gillard’ mention
of human rights was “only superficial formality”.

According to a recent LOWY institute poll,
79% of Australians believes China’s economic
development will benefit Australia;
yet nearly 2/3 of the people surveyed worried that
the rise of China would pose a threat to Australia.

The Australian reported that during her recent visit
to Japan, Gillard told Japanese Prime Minister
Naoto Kan, it is vital that the U.S. lift its political
engagement in the Asia-Pacific region
to promote security in the face of the rise of China.

Both leaders discussed the “expansion” of China,
which has been increasing its military budget
to the consternation of nearby nations,
including Japan and Korea.

According to Sydney Morning Herald, Gillard
“has moved to strengthen defense ties with Japan
and will seek to elevate links with South Korea,
adding to China’s unease about new U.S.-anchored
security networks emerging on its borders.”

Reuters notes that Gillard’s meetings with Chinese
leaders “highlight the awkward challenges
facing Australia and other Western governments:
the desire to prod Beijing over human rights
and regional friction while nurturing trade ties
with the world’s second biggest economy.”

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wu Huizhen
