【禁闻】谷歌再被干扰 民众看出奥妙












新唐人记者 赵心知 萧宇 采访报导

Chinese Regime Interfered with Google Again


Google sent out an announcement to all major
international media, saying many Chinese Gmail
users have been deliberately interfered with by
the Communist regime. Why did this happen?
What secrets were there on this issue?
Please take a look at this report.


Google continually received complaints from its Gmail
users in China beginning from the end of January.
Users complained about login difficulties and
Intermittently interrupted email services.
Even its phone call function was impeded.

Mr. Chen from China: “Emails cannot reach inbox.
I have not received any new emails, nor could I even
open my old emails, with a box popping up,
What are these problems? I could not even reopen
the emails in the outbox.

A Google spokesman said: “After detailed examination
the problems were not caused by Google. We believe
the Chinese regime deliberately blocked the emails
in such a way that it looked like our faults."
Chinese Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Industry
and Information Technology have not responded yet.

Overseas media reported, the Chinese authorities
tightened the Internet control after the democratic
movements in the Middle East. An analyst, Mark,
from the Marbridge Consulting in Beijing said to
the VOA, “The latest interference is likely to do with
the recent unrests in the Middle East.
The Chinese communist regime worried that
people might call for the same movement in China."

Chen Xi, a democratic activist in Guizhou, was under
house arrest for one month during the Middle East
revolution. He returned home on Mar. 18 and found
he could not logon to his Gmail account anymore.
However, he was still able to use Gmail
after he circumvented the Chinese firewall.

Chen Xi: “The behavior is despicable. It revealed that
the Chinese regime is afraid of the possible influence
of the revolution in North Africa on its tyrannous rule.
So, it controlled the society by blocking the internet.”

Chinese netizens are able to use VPN to break through
the firewalls and visit overseas websites.
VOA reported, recently, American VPN provider Witopia
said their operations in China had been interfered with.

Chen Xi believes the Chinese communist regime
Interfered with Google this time more secretively,
which indicated its deeper fear and diffidence.

Some Chinese netizens like using Gmail system,
including its chat function.

Last year, based on its “Do No Evil” company motto,
Google openly pointed to the CCP’s censorship and
internet hacking, and moved its Chinese search
service to Hong Kong afterwards.

NDT reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Xiao Yu
