凱恩斯是前往大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)的門戶。出事直升機墜落在希爾頓逸林飯店(Hilton’s Double Tree Hotel)。
據英國廣播公司新聞網(BBC News)報導,警方表示,這架直升機上只有駕駛員一人,已當場喪生。
澳洲媒體10 News First Queensland表示,直升機的兩個螺旋槳脫落,其中一個螺旋槳掉在飯店底層的泳池中。
Around 400 people have been evacuated from a Cairns hotel after a helicopter crashed into its roof and erupted into flames.
The crash happened just before 2am at the Double Tree Hotel by Hilton, with police declaring an exclusion zone around the scene that remains in place this… pic.twitter.com/4PYWFAAkvR
— 10 News First Queensland (@10NewsFirstQLD) August 11, 2024
本文網址: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2024/08/12/a103904737.html