【禁聞】赦免貪官? 70%民眾反對

















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/陳建銘

MASSIVE OPPOSITION to Amnesty for Corrupt Party Officials

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpieces
released articles warning of “Tigers´ Fighting Back" in
the anti-corruption campaign.

The articles hence advocates thje old idea of
giving conditional amnesty to corrupt officials.
However, a poll result shows nearly 70 percent of Chinese
oppose the plan.
Commentators say, with almost every CCP officials being
corrupt, what party mouthpieces are saying suggests the
anti-corruption campaign has received seriously resistance.

Scholars comments that the CCP is embezzling money
from Chinese people´s pockets;
As corrupt officials have yet to stop bullying ordinary people,
it is ridiculous to ask Chinese people to give amnesty to
the very group that suppresses them.

People´s Forum is a magazine owned by People´s Daily.
The magazine recently released a series of articles warning of
so-called “probable desperate moves by corrupt officials".

the anti-corruption campaign
reaches a critical moment, corrupt officials are counteracting
investigations by propaganda claiming that:

the campaign is bad for maintaining the party´s public image
and the regime´s “stability";
corrupt ones try to complicate matters by withholding evidence
about corruption cases as their death struggle;
some may even collude with other relevant interest
groups to fight back against the anti-corruption campaign.

The articles believe that extensive anti-corruption moves
would unavoidably expose numerous “tigers";

this could possible exceed Chinese people´s psychological
bottom line.
The authors say, the Chinese may go from abhorrence of
corrupt officials to antipathy toward the whole CCP regime,
and further deny the CCP´s legitimacy of governance.

Wang Sixiang, Chinese history scholar:"I know many
(of those authors) are colluding with corrupt officials for
their own benefits.

I also know some famous individuals like that but of course
I cannot name them publicly now. I know they are making deals
with corrupt groups.

With those interest groups still acting aggressively and
recklessly, it is ridiculous to talk about amnesty, especially
for a powerless group that is still under suppression."

Zhang Jian, researcher of China affairs:"
The CCP is using its old tricks.
That is to deceive our people by connecting “collapse of
the CCP" with “collapse of China".
Corrupt officials steal money from our people´s pockets.
So any form of amnesty cannot be admitted
without performing a national referendum."

This June, Hong Kong-based Trends magazine reported that:
in a late-May Politburo meeting, Xi Jinping, Wang Qishan
and Li Keqiang had strongly denied suggestions of
conditional amnesty for corrupt officials.

People´s Forum had conducted a nationwide survey that
66.9 percent of respondents oppose the plan of “giving conditional
amnesty for those with minor offense of corruption".
This result is consistent with that from previous
official polls on the Internet.

Wang Sixiang:"Amnesty for corrupt officials would only
give more space for their reckless acts.
Therefore there should be zero tolerance for corruption.

Their crimes must be pursued no matter when and
where they hide themselves.
Only by doing this can corrupt officials be deterred.

There is neither time limit nor space limit in bringing
them to justice.
They have to think it over before committing corrupt acts."

Recently, the CCP announced the investigation
into Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou´s case had been revealed as early as in 2012
when former Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai was tried.
However, it is not until one and a half year later that
Zhou is officially placed into investigation.

The CCP mouthpieces also admit that small corrupt officials
are protected by bigger tigers that are protected by
even bigger tigers.

“Interests of corruption are like tangles and
corrupt groups are seen everywhere."

South China Morning Post says that:, as corruption problems
become ubiquitous, now the Chinese public believe
there is no innocent official inside the CCP;

Whenever anyone is exposed on corruption charges,
people naturally think that it is the result of an internal power
struggle inside the CCP.

Li Yongzhong, a CCP´s so-called “anti-corruption specialist",
had proposed the idea of “conditional amnesty for
corrupt officials" in 2012.

Li still sticks to that opinion right now, claiming that
cleaning all corruption at once will probably lead to
a life-and-death struggle;

Maybe the anti-corruption group will even fall before
capturing all corrupt officials.

A fact about the CCP´s anti-corruption campaign is,
many corrupt officials are dismissed and detained,
But on the other hand civilians who publicly reported
corrupt ones or demanded officials´ declaration of assets
were also arrested.

Zhang Jian, an observer of China affairs living in U.S.,
says that:

those People´s Daily articles suggest that Xi Jinping is facing
unexpectedly strong resistance against his anti-corruption moves.
However, any amnesty given to corrupt ones will leave
no dignity for the CCP´s legal system.

Chinese history scholar Wang Sixiang further comments
that if Xi Jinping gives condition amnesty to corrupt officials,
those who still cherish illusionary hopes will lose their
final faith in Xi´s anti-corruption campaign.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/Chen Jianming
