【禁聞】一護士 一條幅 傳達多少信息?



1999年中共鎮壓迫害法輪功後,王春英因為堅持信仰「真善忍」的法理,被中共非法抓捕5次,兩次被關押在「馬三家女子勞教所」,一共5年3個月。 2009年7.20前夕,她在那裏克服很多困難,做好了一個條幅,上面寫著「法輪大法好」。7月21號早上四點多,她在「馬三家勞教所」三樓的牆外,掛出 這個兩米長、一尺寬的條幅。


半個小時後警察才發現這個寫有「法輪大法好」 的條幅,整個勞教所的警察都極為恐慌。隨後大隊長、所長、值班警察7天7夜沒回家,秘密排查。因為這個消息不敢公開,所以最後不了了之。









採訪編輯/唐音 後製/蕭宇

In China, Internet censorship has blocked free flow
of messages.

To obtain overseas information, people either get the NTD TV
by passing the Internet "Great Firewall"
or learn it from leaflets or CDs.

A Chinese nurse, after she had lost her freedom, used a banner
to deliver the message.

Let's take a look at what the message is about.

Wang Chunying, was a 60-year-old senior nurse at Dalian
Central Hospital.

At the age of 37, she was diagnosed with chronic thyroiditis,
which relied on life long medication.

She also suffered from chronic pharyngitis, gastritis, colitis
and arthritis.

In the mid-1990s, she started the Falun Gong practice
and regained her health.

Since the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution
of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Wang Chunying had been
illegally arrested five times and done jail time for a total
of five years and three months due to her insistence
on the practice of 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.'

Twice, she was locked in Masanjia Women’s Labor Camp.

On July 21, 2009, outside of the third floor of Masanjia
she hung a two-meter long and one-foot wide banner
which she had prepared, overcoming many difficulties.

On the banner, it stated, "Falun Dafa Is Good."

Wang Chunying: “I quickly went to the windows, opened
them and tied the banner string on the window railings.

The two-meter long banner just flew open.
It felt like I was opening the banner at Tiananmen Square.

It was so solemn and sacred!
Dafa is really extraordinary! Master’s blessing! “

The police did not realize the existence of the banner
until half an hour later.

The entire labor camp police were in extreme panic.

The captain, director and the police on duty stayed
for seven days and nights trying to find out where the banner
came from.

For fearing to publicize the incident,
the investigation ended without a word.

Wang Chunying: “I wanted to tell the police:
Any kind of torture and persecution will ultimately fail.

A week before July 20, the police would body-search us
every day, also the prison cells, the beds, the workshop.

On July 19, they searched our bodies three times.

I hid the banner for 7 days.
It was the help of the deities! Falun Dafa is extraordinary! “

Since the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999,
there have been 3,769 confirmed deaths by torture
of Falun Gong practitioners.

A number of independent international investigations have
also confirmed the massive live organ harvesting
of Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP.

Many Chinese human rights lawyers have brought to light
cases of the torture and persecution which Falun Gong
practitioners have endured in the labor camps, prisons,
and brainwashing centers.

For 15 years, Falun Gong practitioners from both mainland
and overseas have appealed in a peaceful way, to expose
the CCP’s persecution, and to call on the world to stop
the CCP』s crimes.

At the same time, Falun Gong has also been spread to 114
countries, and millions of people have signed in support
of Falun Gong practitioners』 campaign to stop the persecution.

In many parts of China such as Hebei and Sichuan, there have
been tens of thousands of people showing their support
to stop the persecution and demanding the release of
Falun Gong practitioners with petitions signed by thumbprints.

Each year, around July 20, Falun Gong practitioners
from the world such as the United States, Canada
and Hong Kong also hold rallies, parades to condemn
the CCP and pay solidarity to Falun Gong with many
politicians' participation.

A couple from Hengyang, Hunan Province,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee, saw the Falun Gong demonstration
on the 19th in Hong Kong.
They were moved to tears.

Falun Dafa Information Center spokesperson Zhang Erping:
“We have witnessed a lot of Chinese tourists being shocked
after they saw the rally.

They have been brainwashed by the  'one voice.'

In the free world, the peace and the compassion of Falun Gong
has a great impact on them."

Wang Chunying is now living in the United States.

She can finally enjoy free expression to expose
the persecution in China.

Whenever she sees Chinese tourists, she walks
towards them with a smile to do the most meaningful
thing in her life, that is, help her fellow compatriots.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/XiaoYu
