【禁聞】劉漢受審 周永康或添涉黑罪名

















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

Will Zhou Yongkang Have to Face More Crimes?

Sichuan tycoon Liu Han was an alleged crime gang member
and accused of murder. Liu’s trial opened on March 31.
Prior to this, media reported that Liu is Zhou Bin’s business
partner. Zhou Bin is Zhou Yongkang’s son.
Liu used huge amounts of money to get in with Zhou Bin.

Observers are concerned if the case will add more
crimes onto Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou is the former politician who is under investigation.

Liu Han faced the trial on Monday in Xianning City
Intermediate Court, Hubei Province.
36 people including Liu Han and his brother Liu Wei were
alleged to belong to a crime gang group.

Seven courtrooms in five areas in Hubei Province provided
the venues for the trial on the same day.
The 36 people were accused of organizing, leading and
participating in mafia-style groups since 1993.
They were alleged of intentional homicide and injury
as well as illegally detaining people and more.

The state-run media Beijing News reported earlier that
Liu Han who holds Hong Kong status was in with Zhou
Yongkang through his son Zhou Bin.

Liu sold two power stations cheaply to Zhou Bin
in order to please him.
The media says that Liu spent huge amounts of money
to bribe officials, including officials in Beijing.
In Sichuan, Liu was called “2nd Minister of Organization".

Hong Kong’s Wenweipo says that Liu’s case indicates: since
Liu’s arrest, he has fully confessed to the corruption between
himself and Zhou Bin, and confessed to the background
of Zhou Bin that he knew of.

Meng Yachun, a manager in a Beijing football club says that
Liu has been involved in high level internal struggles, but he
definitely has served as scapegoat.

Meng Yachun: “I think the procedure of Liu’s trial will follow
the high level’s order.
He will likely be given a relatively heavy sentence. It is the
same theory as Bo Xilai, who received a light sentence.
At the moment, Liu is pushed forward; I think that the high
level are trying to win over the people.
In reality now Chinese people are very clear-minded,
they won’t be deceived by such tactics."

Sources say that Liu has a close connection with Liu Chongxi,
a former politician in Sichuan Province, who was dismissed.
So, Liu’s trial was regarded as another act
in fighting “big tigers".

Earlier, the People’s Daily reported that people can imagine
from the shocking facts that Liu’s criminal group has large-
scale support from broad networking and deep corruption.
The report says that the “protection umbrella" above Liu
will be exposed further.

Sichuan independent writer Tang Cailong says the case shows
Zhou Yongkang has completely lost; he is in a dead end space.

Tang Cailong: “It indicates that Zhou Yongkang is finished.
Otherwise Liu wouldn’t be tried.
Zhou should have been finished earlier. He is a monstrous,
bullying murderer.
Whoever was under his umbrella will be finished and
follow him into the dead end.
When Zhou served as secretary of the Political and Legislative
Affairs Committee (PLAC), those against him, any obstacles
or abuse of power for favoritism, he would suppress.
Actually, Zhou is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
typical representative."

Some commentaries say that Liu’s allegation of mafia-style
crimes, would add extra crimes onto Zhou Yongkang.

Tang Cailong: “It is very possible that it adds more crimes
onto Zhou.
Amongst of Zhou’s crimes, is that he acts as a umbrella of the
gang society.
He also ordered the gang society to serve him, to make money
for him and to retaliate at his opponents."

Being a former member of the Standing Committee, if Zhou is
prosecuted, it will break the internal rule that a “member of the
Standing Committee is free from criminal sentence".

Being a former secretary of PLAC, If Zhou is charged with
crimes of collusion with gang society, the legitimacy of the
CCP will be greatly challenged.

Meng Yachun analyzes that the regime will likely treat Zhou,
as a “dead tiger", in a soft way.

Meng Yachun: “I think it is possible that Liu has taken all
the responsibility of the crimes by himself.
Under the high level’s order, Liu would have a deal and have
wrapped up this part. This event could have ended now.
Although layers of ‘iron curtains’ exist,
people still have known some facts.
Zhou Yongkang, Xi Jinping and Bo Xilai, are all similar.
They just struggle for power.
The character of power struggle is to stop at the a proper time.
It certainly will save face of the opposition, and leave them a
way to live, I think, at the end, Zhou won’t be touched."

The trial content on the first day of trial didn’t mention
Zhou Bin or Zhou Yongkang.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Xiao Yu
