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《羊城晚報》集團11月 1號發出通告,免去《新快報》社長兼總編輯李宜航,和副總編輯馬東瑾兩人職務,由《羊城晚報》報業集團黨委書記劉紅兵兼任《新快報》社長,《羊城晚報》社委孫璇則兼任《新快報》總編輯,《羊城晚報》要聞部副主任陶勇兼任副總編輯。










採訪/ 易如 編輯/ 張天宇 後製/葛雷

Nationwide Media Cleanup Possible As Xin Kuai Bao’s
Old Leaders Dismissed

Guangdong Provincial Administration of Press, Publication,
Radio, Film and Television (APPRFT) announced its intention
to punish the Xin Kuai Bao over Chen Yongzhou’s incident.

The newspaper’s parent company Yangcheng Evening News
Group immediately made big changes to the Xin Kuai Bao’s leading heads.
Not only were the editor-in-chief and vice editor-in-chief
dismissed, personnel adjustments were also made
to other positions inside the newspaper.

Guangdong’s APPRFT also called on all its media
organizations to “learn the lesson” from the incident.
Insiders now worry that the Chinese Communist party (CCP)
will take the opportunity to suppress Southern Newspaper Group,
or even the whole media industry in China.

On November 1st, the Yangcheng Evening News Group
announced that the Xin Kuai Bao’s president and editor-
in-chief Li Yihang together with vice editor-in-chief Ma
Dongjin were removed from their posts.
Liu Hongbing, the party secretary of the News Group will
concurrently work as the new president.
Sun Xuan, a committee member of Yangcheng Evening News
Board, will take the concurrent role of the editor-in-chief.
Tao Yong, the vice director of Yangcheng Evening News’
Top-News Department, will concurrently work as
the new vice editor-in-chief.

Right before that, Guangdong’s APPRFT and Provincial All
Journalists Association made a joint announcement.
They require all media organizations in Guangdong to learn
the lesson from Chen Yongzhou’s incident and step up
efforts against fabrication, paid news and blackmailing.

The dismissal of the Xin Kuai Bao’s leaders and local CCP
harsh attitude toward the incident has already generated a
chilling effect over all media in Guangdong.

Some media workers speculate the CCP will probably have an
all-round crackdown on Southern Newspaper Media Group.
This suppression may be even extended against
all “dissidents” among China’s media.

Zhu Jianguo, former news director at Hong Kong-based
Ta Kung Pao: “The suppression over the Xin Kuai Bao is
not only to punish the newspaper or that journalist.

Indeed the CCP is trying to find a chance or an excuse to
start an overall crackdown on Southern Newspaper Group.
The media in Guangdong is always braver in speaking than
inland media.
Now the party leaders in Beijing want to tighten the control
over free reporting leaving only its own voice to be heard.
So it chooses Guangdong’s media as the first target.”

Coincidentally, just several days before Chen Yongzhou
was arrested, the CCP’s State APPRFT announced that all
250,000 Chinese reporters would be issued a new press
pass in early 2014.
To get the pass, reporters have to attend a half-month of
“journalists’ professional trainings” passing a qualifying exam.
The training contents include subjects such as “Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics”, “Marxist View of Journalism”,
“Journalism Ethics”, as well as materials aiming at improving
reporters’ “ideological identity” with the party’s policies.
It is being called a “brainwashing national exam”
by media workers.

Many Chinese netizens have criticized the CCP’s attempt at
cleaning up different ideologies and controlling the “main
direction” of media reports.

Zhu Jianguo:”It is not Guangdong’s authority that
makes the commands.
This is a strategic task given by Beijing long time ago.

All 250,000 reporters in China have to renew
their press passes.
This is simply a large-scale cleanup of all Chinese journalists.

Those who don’t believe in Communism or return to
the track of Marxism will be eliminated.
That is what the CCP plans to do.”

Originally, the Southern Newspaper Group was a general
name for Southern Weekly, Southern Metropolis Daily,
21st Century Business Herald, 21st Century World Herald
and Beijing News.
They are all attached to Sourthern Newspaper Media Group.

Later some also included Yangcheng Evening News
and Apple Daily into this group.

Because of its daring to speak up, the Southern Newspaper
Group is called “Traitor Media” or “Reactionary Media” by
leftists such as Kong Qingdong and Fang Zhouzi.

It has suffered political cleanup almost 20 times over
the past ten years.
During this period many publications were forcibly closed
down or detached from the group.
Quite a few journalists and editors-in-chief were downgraded,
fired or even convicted.
Examples are: editor-in-chief Cheng Yizhong was downgraded
as he first revealed the outbreak of SARS in 2003.
Cheng Yizhong, a general manager Yu Huafeng and two others
were arrested and convicted in January 2004 on charges
of economic crimes.

In January 2013, Southern Weekly’s New Year special editorial
was changed by the propaganda department.
This made a big dispute.

Some Chinese media workers always say that, you can only
learn how bad Chinese media environment by working there.
You have to “consider the overall situation” and hide the
truth by deceiving yourself, or make false reports which
betrays your professional conscience.

Even those apparent justice reports of anti-corruption are
only products of power-struggles among the party leaders.
Anyone who wants to report real news or act as media
supervisor of the society will definitely be suppressed.
They may even have to pay a heavier price
in many cases.
