【禁聞】生死存亡關頭 全黨看蘇聯滅亡劇






中國網友歸納了「前蘇聯解體前十大社會亂象 」,其中,前蘇聯解體前,每年發生流血事件近20萬起。再看今天由中共執政的中國,僅2011年,社會群體事件有23萬起。










採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

CCP Propaganda Documentary: Demise of the Soviet Union

CCP cadres were recently instructed to watch a documentary
entitled, “20 years after the demise of the party and
the country, the Soviet Union".

Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary emphasized the lessons
learnt from the perish of the party and the country,
the Soviet Union, even though it was the Communist party
which collapsed, not the country, and Russians have since
lead a happy and peaceful life.

Commentators believe at this critical point that
the CCP is trying to maintain its one-party dictatorship
through a brain-washing film.

Recently, the Chinese Communist regime arranged for the film,
“20 years of the demise of the party and the country,
the Soviet Union," to be viewed at the Energy Bureau ,
Ministry of Commerce, Hunan Provincial Committee,
Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and so forth.

In the film, the fact that the former Communist Party of the
Soviet Union gave up the one-party ruling and diverted to
multi-party and a free economy was labeled as
a tragedy of the century.

Zhu Xinxin, former Hebei People’s Radio editor:
The purpose of watching this film is to ensure the obedience
of the cadres and the status of the privileged elite group.

Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary Luo Zhijun stressed that
the collapse of the Party and the country of the Soviet Union
was caused by abandoning the guidance of Marxism.

Hua Po, politics commentator:
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union lost its ruling
position on the three monopolies: the monopoly of truth,
the political monopoly, and the economic monopoly.
The CCP reflects one-sidedly about Marxism-Leninism
not being followed.
I am sure they will face the same fate as
the former Soviet Union.

A Chinese Internet user listed 10 points of social chaos prior
to the collapse of the former Soviet Union.
Among them, were on average 200,000
bloodshed incidents, annually.
Yet, in 2011, there were 230,000 mass incidents in China.

Also, the former Soviet Union spent as much on
stability maintenance as on national defense.
The CCP’s stability maintenance budget for this year is 769
billion yuan, which is 720 billion yuan more
than the defense budget.

Other points of social chaos emerged prior to the collapse of
the former Soviet Union are: high inflation; rising GDP,
declining livelihood; rampant corruption;
unprecedented ecological disasters caused by large-scale
water conservation projects; more young people engaged
in the governmental jobs; aircraft carrier sea tests.

These same points of chaos can be seen almost
everywhere in China today.

Former Hebei People’s Radio editor Zhu Xinxin indicates that
the economic crisis and people’s anger have reached the point
of shaking the ruling of the CCP.

Zhu Xinxin: They did not get the point from
this Russian film.
Russia survives.
The Soviet Communist Party died.
The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic was in such a
form that the collapse of the Soviet Union was not much of
a disaster to the people.

The 1st July, the World Bank revised the classification of the
world’s economies and showed gross national income (GNI) per
capita for the year 2012 has moved the Russian Federation
to a high-income nation.

In an article, “The astonishing phenomenon in Russia which
the Chinese don’t know about", a local tour guide revealed,
the average Russian’s income is high.

The welfare system has cut the gap between
urban and rural society.
People enjoy free education from primary school to college,
free medical care, housing, and utilities.
There is also a transportation subsidy.

The tour guide indicated that the Russians have finally
gained their freedom and democracy through the
Great Patriotic War against fascism and
70 years of communist ruling.
Luckily, the Russians no longer need to get up at five in the
morning to get a one pound bread like their ancestors.

On 8th October, Chinese media reported that Russians launched
a new life-time of free medical care.
A Chinese Internet user commented: What an embarrassment
to the little brother who was just reflecting on the
historical lessons of the deceased Soviet Union.

Interview Edit/Lee Yun Post-production/Li Yong
