【禁聞】周永康接棒薄熙來 風暴延燒江澤民?












夏小強:「薄熙來、周永康、江澤民的政變謀反計劃,也是為了維持迫害法輪功,而奪取中共最高權力而制定的。中共現今最高層在審薄中掩蓋了這些內幕,他們希望用權鬥的方式解決權力之爭和社會矛盾。現在看起來效果是適得其反。 」





採訪編輯/常春 後製/蕭宇

Jiang Zemin May Enter Political Turmoil After Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai

Former Chongqing Party Secretary
Bo Xilai was sentenced to life imprisonment.
He appealed against the judge’s decision,
but it is generally believed that the second
trial will not make much difference.

It is currently considered that Zhou Yongkang, former
Secretary for the Central Political and Law committee will
become the next “big tiger" target for Xi Jinping’s regime.

Analysts believe that Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) infighting will become more intense.
It is also thought that with the crisis facing
Zhou Yongkang, former CCP leader Jiang Zemin
will also become embroiled in this political turmoil.

Jiang is responsible for initiating
the persecution of Falun Gong.

It has now become the focus of attention as to whether
Xi Jinping will touch Standing Committee level “big tigers".
This comes after Politburo member Bo Xilai was sentenced.

Before and after Bo Xilai’s trial, continual rumours
have arisen suggesting former Politburo Standing
Committee member Zhou Yongkang will be investigated.

News is emerging on the internet of Zhou’s sister
Zhou Lingying, and son Zhou Bin, being investigated.

Meanwhile, mainland media reported news of
Zhou Yongkang’s supporters being investigated.
They exposed complex networks of relationships
among Chongqing and Chengdu officials,
as well as within the PetroChina system.

The key figure in this huge network
is considered to be Zhou Yongkang.

CCP state-controlled Guangming Daily
described the PetroChina corruption case
as an “unprecedented case of a “tiger in a net".

The report alleged indirectly that the official related
to the PetroChina case is in a high position of power.
Continually ferreting out potential “big tiger"
was directly considered as Zhou Yongkang.

In the last day of Bo Xilai’s trial, Jinan Intermediate
People’s Court official microblog was corrected two times.
There was sensitive content deleted about Bo Xilai
punishing Wang Lijun under “six superior directions".

Foreign media exposed that this “superior" is Zhou Yongkang.

On August 30, Hong Kong media “South China Morning
Post" reported about Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping.
It was said that Xi has personally ordered
a thorough investigation of Zhou Yongkang.
In early September, overseas Chinese media reported
that Zhou Yongkang has been put under house arrest.

More and more of Zhou Yongkang’s allies have been
arrested after the leadership transition last November.
It’s analyzed that this is usually a
prelude for CCP officials resigning.

Why did the Chinese Communist Party’s new leadership
crack down on Zhou Yongkang after removing Bo Xilai?

Xia Xiaoqiang, current affairs commentator:
“Before Bo’s trial, state-controlled Qiushi
magazine described him as a national hero.

Bo’s family publicized Bo’s letter and
spread rumors on Xi Jinping’s downfall.
In addition, Kong Qingdong and Sima Nan,
writers from Bo’s faction, openly supported Bo.
Thus, Xi made a final decision to show his
strength by sentencing Bo to life imprisonment.
This is the reason the CCP released signals
that Zhou Yongkang will be the next target."

Xia Xiaoqiang said that the CCP high
levels are struggling over the Bo case.
Jiang Zemin’s faction, which is mainly responsible
the persecution of Falun Gong has lost its highest
authority from being able to continue the persecution.

They are worried about being punished,
thus they desperately make counterattacks.

Xia Xiaoqiang:"Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang and
Jiang Zemin plotted a military coup to overthrow Xi Jinping.
The purpose was to continue the persecution
of Falun Gong, and to gain ultimate power.
The CCP high-levels have covered up these dark scenes.

It hopes to use power struggles to solve
the infighting and wider social conflicts.
The current results show that this has had the opposite effect."

Xia said that the CCP high-level hopes
to get around the Falun Gong issue.
They hope to avoid this problem, and only deal with
politics and social crises, but this cannot be achieved.
As long as China’s main problem, the Falun Gong issue,
remains unresolved, infighting and factions will continue.

After Bo has been sentenced, observers believe that
the top issue in the CCP’s political timetable is the
Third Plenary Sessions scheduled in November.

This meeting is considered the most
important meeting for Xi’s new administration.

The Epoch Times has reported that Bo
decided to appeal against his sentence.

It opens up the curtain of Bo’s second trial.

The appeal will likely last two months, and will
inevitably affect the Third Plenary Sessions.
The CCP leadership is bound to face conflict in
the meeting, with dramatic infighting taking place.

Xia believes that Zhongnanhai’s intention
to remove Bo Xilai has been in vain.
Zhou Yongkang will replace Bo
in the following theatrical events.
It will stir up strong political storms,
which will finally spread to Jiang Zemin.
