【禁聞】薄王庭上肉搏 細膩細節欲掩真相?
















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/朱娣

Bo Xilai Faces Wang Lijun: Truth Hidden Behind Reporting Trivial Details

Four days have passed since the trial of former

Chongqing Party secretary Bo Xillai began.

During this period, the public have been overwhelmed

by all the dramatic stories that have occurred in court.

Former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun also came

face to face against Bo, pushing the trial to its climax.

Scholars who have closely observed the trial consider that

the Chinese Communist Party is playing our a performance.

From live Weibo broadcasts of the trial, to intentionally

releasing some court details, they are trying to distract

the public’s attention away from Bo’s real crimes.

No matter how bewildering the trial appears to be,

the truth behind Bo Xilai’s case is always covered up.

This reflects how unconfident they are about the trial.

On the third day of Bo Xilai’s court trial, the conservation

between Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun was broadcast on Weibo.

Foreign media described the Q&A part between the

two as “very abnormal” for a defendant and a witness.

Bo still acted like a party leader in court.

In addition, the live broadcast on Weibo

was performed in astonishingly great detail.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor of the Chinese magazine China Affairs:

“To make the trial seem like it is a real performance,

and not boring nor flawed, they need to use such a

“translucent-type” broadcast that was never used before.

However, in my opinion, even the 34-year-ago

trial of the Gang of Four was better than this one.

At that time, the whole trial was broadcast on

TV, although TV had not been popularized then.”

During this trial, even the how and why Wang Lijun was

slapped in the face by Bo Xilai was described in great detail.

Wang later explained that he was indeed

punched instead of being slapped.

This detail was later largely hyped up by media reports.

Analyst comments that, reporting those trivial details

serve to distract public attention from Bo’s real crimes.

Lan Shu, political commentator: “The superficial performance

does not testify to transparency in the CCP’s judicial system.

This is because the darkest parts of this case were never

included into the judicial process from the beginning.

Releasing all those court details is simply to

show how ‘fair’ the CCP’s rule is from this angle.”

Voice of America (VOA) reported that one

observation is that Bo Xilai appears relaxed,

with voluble speeches and aggressive attitude.

Bo looked more like a leader addressing

a seminar, instead of a defendant on trial.

Yuan Hongbing, Chinese law expert: “Under

the Communist regime, there won’t be any real trial.

Bo Xilai’s trial itself is also a political

issue, and not a purely legal case.

In addition, we can learn from this trial that the

minds of party leaders are currently extremely split.

On Bo’s issue, they have yet to reach any consensus.”

Yuan Hongbing comments that, there is

no real defense in the CCP legal system.

Bo Xilai was able to defend himself in court,

but that was only a result of the power struggle

between the two factions among party leaders.

Yuan Hongbing: “We need to look upon

the CCP’s internal struggle in the right way.

This kind of struggle will greatly weaken

the party’s rule and speed up its collapse.

On the other hand, just as stated in “the Nine Commentaries

on the Communist Party” by the Epoch Times, both sides

of the struggle are essentially part of the same evil party.”

Recently, the CCP issued “Document No. 9”

to internal officials, as a warning to them.

The document presented seven kinds of danger which

have to be eliminated, to protect the party’s political power.

Freedom of the press was listed as part of “the first danger”.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor of the Chinese magazine China

Affairs, considers that the live broadcast of Bo’s trial

on Weibo is already a practice of “Document No. 9”.

Wu Fan: “Journalists are not allowed to

enter the court. You can’t see the live scenes.

Reports are released one by one

on Weibo, but they are already filtered.

They won’t let you know all the information

or what is really happening inside the court.”

Wu Fan believes that, in dealing with Bo’s case, the CCP

attempted to replace political issues with economic issues.

They cover up huge embezzlements with smaller

ones, which is good for maintaining the party’s image.

China affair expert Zhao Yuanming further commented.

To maintain the so-called stability of its governance, the

CCP’s current leaders have covered up Bo’s serious crimes.

This includes those committed during the

“Singing Red, Fighting Corruption” Campaign.

It also involves a plotting a military coup to overthrow Xi Jinping,

and live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

This clearly shows what the CCP fear,

and thus leads to Bo’s unscrupulous acts.
