【禁聞】不搬西方政治模式? 俞正聲遭抨擊















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/葛雷

Yu Zhengsheng’s Rejection of Western Model Draws Criticism

In the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee
(CPPCC) closing meeting, the new chair of CPPCC,
Yu Zhengsheng, indicated no Western political model
will be followed in China.
He emphasized that the CPPCC rejects the extreme
propositions from the impetuous and non-Chinese.
Commentators criticized the one-party dictatorship
will continue in the Communist regime.

In the closing session of the CPPCC on March 12,
Yu Zhengsheng said China stays firm and loyal
to the Communist leadership in multi-party collaboration
and political consultation.
Political development will steadily adhere to the
socialist path with Chinese characteristics.
He stressed,"China will never follow
Western political systems.
China rejects any extreme proposition that is impetuous
and disassociated from China’s reality."

Commentator Wang Beiji pointed out the self-contradictory
nature of the Communist leadership’s talk.

Commentator Wang Beiji: “The Communist Party
and socialist path are both heresies originated from the west and abandoned by the west.
Frankly, Marxism is a sophistry doctrine.

It is the Chinese Communists who totally denied
the traditional Chinese culture and completely westernized."

As early as in 1848, Marx wrote in his Manifesto
of the Communist Party,"A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of communism."
This Western ghost was regarded as scripture
and introduced to China by the Chinese Communists.

Wang Beiji indicated the Communist regime is refusing
the widely accepted democratic system with excuses.
He believes this is the only agreement among the
seven Standing Committee of the Central Politburo.

Wang Beiji: “All Politburo Standing Committee
have vested interests in this evil autocracy.
They will adhere to the political system for the sake
of vested interest, not for the people."

Since the fifth-generation leader of the regime took office,
many had their expectations of the new authority.
With Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption theme, a number of
corrupt officials were sacked through Internet exposures.
Xi Jinping’s China Dream has immediately caused
the people to strongly demand constitutional democracy.

Freelance writer Liu Yiming indicated Yu Zhengsheng’s talk
is completely contrary to people’s demands.

Freelance writer Liu Yiming: “There is widespread anger
at the regime because of massive problems.
No Western political model means no to constitutional
democracy but yes to one-party dictatorship.
They reject the Western political system to counteract
the democracy demand and many problems in the society."

During the annual meetings, the regime mouthpiece claimed
to march towards the China Dream.
People also expressed their common wishes.

Take China’s richest woman, the real estate tycoon,
Zhang Xin, as an example.
She expressed,"Chinese want democracy"
in an interview with foreign press.

Beijing dissident Li Jincheng also agreed most Chinese
wish for constitutional democracy.
However, Yu Zhengsheng’s remarks are undoubtedly a
conflict between the group of vested interests and the people.

Beijing dissident Li Jincheng: “I hope those who hold
illusion about the regime will wake up.
Do not deceive yourself.
Xi Jinping claimed,’hit the tigers’and, ‘shoot the flies.’
In fact, tigers are social elites, who demand universal values,
and flies are what I believe the activists, including those who exposed corruption cases."

Li Jincheng indicated that in China,
moral values have totally collapsed.
Corrupt officials, gangsters, injustice,
and inequality have lead to sinking ethics.
He warned the regime that further insult will only lead people
to overthrow the regime when it becomes absolutely desperate and intolerable.
