【禁聞】朱瑞峰握廳官視頻遭跨省 擬告渝警





《人民監督網》記者 朱瑞鋒:「雷政富這11名官員它都不處理,按著共產黨的紀律,他們應該開除黨籍、開除公職,現在是草草的被免職,中國官場就是這樣,先免職,雷政富是北碚區委書記,明天可能就當南碚區委書記了,現在不處理,他們還保護貪官。」








大陸律師 唐荊陵:「朱瑞峰他本人的行為,實際上是屬於資訊傳播者的角色,一個新聞來源的角色,警方如果要求他做證人的話,警方沒有這個權力。如果警方把他作為犯罪嫌疑人就更不成立了,因為他跟這個事情完全沒有關係,他所從事的是把掌握官員的犯罪線索披露給公眾。」


採訪編輯/李韻 後製/蕭宇

Sex-Video Official Discloser to Sue Chongqing Police

The dramatic climax of Chongqing officialdom continues.

After the removal of ten sex tape officials, the sex tapes
involving higher-ranking officials were said to be revealed.
The discloser, Zhu Ruifeng, was recently summoned
and interrogated for nearly seven hours by Chongqing police.
On January 31, Zhu Ruifeng told NTD that he has decided
to denounce Chongqing police to procuratorate.
Sun Lida, Chongqing’s high-level official, is suspected of
being involved in Zhu’s latest sex tape to be released.
Zhu Ruifeng has offered rewards to get
Sun’s high-definition picture for verification.

Eleven Chongqing officials have been removed from office.

Zhu Ruifeng, a journalist for Jdwsy.com, an unofficial
watchdog, recently was summoned by Chongqing police
for his attempt to release more sex tapes involving
ministerial-level officials.
Among the seven sex tapes to be released, six came from
police informants, Zhu Ruifeng told the media.

On January 29, Zhu said the latest sex tape involves a man,
suspected of being Sun Lida, a departmental-level official in Chongqing.
In his micro-blog, Zhu Ruifeng posted a reward of
1,000 yuan for each high-definition picture of Sun Lida.
The pictures will be used for verification of
the leading role in the sex tape.

January 31-morning, a NTD reporter asked Zhu Ruifeng
if the man is confirmed to be Sun Lida, will he expose the said tape?
Zhu Ruifeng said yes, and he will release the tapes
one by one.

(Journalist, Jdwsy.com) Zhu Ruifeng: “The regime hasn’t
dealt with the exposed 11 officials, including Lei Zhengfu.
According to the CCP’s Party discipline, they should
be ousted from the Party and dismissed as civil servants.
But so far, they were just removed from office, dismissal
is the first step, which is the usual practice in China’s officialdom.
In the past, Lei Zhengfu was the Party chief of Beipei District,
tomorrow he might be named as the Party chief of Nanpei District.
So far, the authorities still protect these corrupt officials."

January 31-afternoon, the chief at Chongqing CCP Municipal
Commission for Discipline Inspection (CDI) answered the media.
The CDI chief said after the exposure of the Lei Zhengfu
scandal in Dec. 2012, Chongqing’s CDI set up a task force to investigate.
Preliminary results found that Lei Zhengfu is suspected
of involvement in huge grafts and other serious economic crimes.
The case will be transferred to court in the coming days.

The CDI chief also alleged that the investigation yielded
an extortion gang.
The police have arrested several members
including builder Xiao Ye and Xu Sheqing.
Some other gang members have been released on bail
or held under residential surveillance, according to the news report.

Zhu Ruifeng disclosed that when Chongqing police arrested
Xiao Ye and others, they acquired the sex tapes and detailed information about the officials involved.
However, something unexpected occurred during the trial.

Zhu Ruifeng: “Incipiently, they arranged Chongqing lawyers
to join the criminal examination and prosecution of the case.
This can prevent other officials from being exposed.

But a minion of the builder hired a lawyer in Beijing,
which made Chongqing police very nervous.
They immediately destroyed all investigative evidence,
allegedly in paper shredder machines.
With that, they re-did the police reports for these suspects."

Reportedly, the Chongqing police investigated
the same case in 2009.
The police didn’t interrogate and investigate the
officials involved, but closed the case instead.
After Lei Zhengfu’s sex tape scandal was exposed,
the police detained several members involved in shooting the sex tape, including Xiao Ye and Zhao Hongxia.

Zhu Ruifeng says that during nearly seven-hour
interrogation, he was asked to offer up criminal information regarding Xiao Ye and of Zhao Hongxia.
Zhu Ruifeng reveals that on Jan. 27, the Chongqing police
seized him in three hours at his house.
He decided to sue the Chongqing police authorities.

Zhu Ruifeng: “This is called being suspected of gathering
evidence through violence or intimidation, which is criminal.
My lawyers decided to denounce them to procuratorate in
Beijing. The police should collect evidence according to law.
They compelled others to offer evidence for
the procuratorate, which is a criminal behavior.
The police said that they have no justification
to convict those arrested gang members.
Thus, the police tried hard to mislead us to say
something against them, so as to convict them.”

Tang Jingling, a lawyer in China, indicates that
the Chongqing police’s summoning Zhu Ruifeng, as being a suspect or a witness, was illegal.
Under the guise of law enforcement, the police actually
aimed to disable Zhu’s watchdog work, he says.

Tang Jingling: “Zhu Ruifeng’s behavior is actually a role
in information communication, he’s a news source.
The police have no authority to ask him to be a witness.

If the police interrogated him as criminal suspect, which
cannot be justified, as he has nothing to do with shooting the video.
His job is to disclose the officials’ criminal evidence
in his hands.”

Tang Jingling says that the sex tapes were sourced
from within the police sector.
However, the police haven’t controlled the relevant criminal
suspects, which shows that the Chongqing police committed serious dereliction of duty.
In turn, the Chongqing police now investigate the person
who disclosed the officials’ crimes, which is illegal, said lawyer Tang.
