【禁聞】中國「傷敵一千 自損八百」划算嗎


18號,日本超市業者「永旺 (Aeon) 」已將中國大陸的35家店舖,關閉了30家。另外,便利商店「7-11 (seven eleven) 」198家店舖休業﹔而服裝零售商Fast Retailing關閉了60家優衣庫(Uniqlo)店面,並要求200名日本員工在家待命。青島被縱火的豐田汽車和本田汽車,18、19號暫停了部分中國工廠的運作。還有,馬自達,三菱汽車,松下等等知名日本企業,都暫停了部分在華工廠的生産。


《人民日報》海外版,17號發表文章:「中國何時對日扣動經濟扳機」,同一天,中共主要英文報紙《中國日報》(China Daily)也發表了「應考慮制裁日本(Consider Sanctions on Japan)」的文章。








採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 後製/君卓

Is It Worthwhile to “Hurt 1000 Enemies at the Expense of 800”?

As China’s anti-Japan activities turn ugly and violent,
several Japanese owned plants and stores temporarily shut down on September 18 and 19. State media consequently suggested to impose economic sanctions on Japan even if “it hurt 1000 enemies at the expense of 800″.
However, the economist indicates that an economic war will end up with no winner.

On the 18th, the Japanese retailer Aeon shut down 30 of its 35 stores in mainland China. In addition, 198 “7-11″convenience stores were closed; clothing retailer Fast Retailing closed 60
of its Uniqlo stores and held its 200 Japanese employees on standby at home. Both Toyota and Honda, victims of arson in Qingdao, suspended the operation of some of the Chinese factories. Mazda, Mitsubishi Motors, and Panasonic have also suspended manufacturing in some factories in China.

Meanwhile, the CCP mouthpiece suggested imposing economic sanctions against Japan.

On the 17th, while overseas editions of People’s Daily wrote, “When will China pull the economic trigger towards Japan", CCP’s main English-language newspaper, China Daily, also published the article, “Consider Sanctions on Japan".

Following Japanese companies shutting-down, CCTV and each local TV station produced programs with experts discussing the impact of “the Sino-Japanese economic war." All experts agreed that the economic sanctions on Japan will be a fatal blow for Japan and have little impact on China.

As The Wall Street Journal pointed out, “It’s arguable who would be hit worse. Both economies would suffer for sure. China has relied heavily on Japanese investment capital and technology and Japan is a key export market, its third largest after the U.S. and E.U."

Ref. to polisher: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2012/09/17/whats-at-stake-in-china-japan-spat-345-billion-to-start/

Economic columnist, also a visiting scholar of the MBA program of Beijing Normal University, Duan Shaoyi: 0-0:24 Boycotting Japanese goods will reduce the sales of Japanese products in China, affect employment, exports, and GDP of Japan; It will also affect China such as lower the living standards and people’s income. Free trading, without forcing it, is a win-win situation. Both parties benefit from it.
Boycott Japanese goods will only hurt others
at the expense of one-self.

Commentator Chen Zhifei indicates that in the medium and long term, the Sino-Japanese economic war will lead to a negative image of China’s investment environment.

Current affairs commentator Chen Zhifei: It is a political issue. However, on economic development, investment relies on political stability and a
sound legal system. The government purposely allows the situation to continue this way.
But in the medium and long term, it will hurt the Japanese manufacturers in China, and damage the long-term economic development of China."

Feng Tao, editor of The Chinese Financial Times, stated that with the Sino-Japan trade and economic confrontation, regardless who will win, it is the so-called “Hurt 1000 enemies at the expense of 800″. There will not be a real winner at the end of this “battle".

People’s Daily believed that China has the will and endurance to"Hurt 1000 enemies at the expense of 800″. But when Canon suspended production for two days, 22,000 employees were on “paid leave". If these Japanese companies withdraw from China, heavy pressure of unemployment for
the Chinese society is foreseeable!

採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 後製/
