【禁聞】政法委內部現三退 610官員幫退黨











伊娜:「他說,那我還有一個朋友,你幫幫他吧!他也是個局長,一開始我撥的時候,他一聽我說讓他退黨, 他馬上就掛機了,後來我又連著撥了5通,最後他終於又接了,他一開始不出聲,他就聽我講,我說你要是不退黨,你就是支持他作惡,它幹的所有壞事都有你一份,你支持作惡,那你也是惡人,將來要遭天懲,我一說到這方面的時候,他說,那你就幫我也退黨吧!」


採訪/常春 編輯/周平 後製/肖顏

610 Officials Quit CCP

Volunteers for quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and its related organizations who call Chinese people daily,
recently found current Chinese people are different from
before. Both officials and ordinary people are awakening.
They understand the CCP now is not just corruption and dark.
Especially after the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai events,
people inside Politics and Law Committee led by Zhou
Yongkang are clearer than others that the CCP is oppressing people with their power.
A policeman in Beijing said, “I am so afraid,
and feel that a disaster will come.”
More people within the CCP system quit the CCP,
so as not to be tied together with it as accomplices.

It is reported that the Wang Lijun event was a serious blow
to the police system.
People within the Political and Law Commission are also
seeking a way of escape, and fear punishment.

According to Epoch Times statistics, over 118 million people
in China have already quit the CCP.

Yi Rong, Chairman of the Global Quitting CCP Service Center,
said current Chinese people are different from before;
both officials and ordinary people are awakening.

Chairman Yi Rong, Global Quitting CCP Service Center:
“Now among 610 officials and policemen, there are many people who are very easy to quit the CCP.
Usually they will quit the CCP after several sentences.
There are many cases like this, very typical.
It won’t cost so much effort as before, when one person will
only quit after once, twice, three times, or even more times.
So the current situation is very positive.”

The Political and Law Commission controlled by Luo Gan
and Zhou Yongkang has been the vanguard in the persecution of Falun Gong.
The 610 Office is the top leadership of the organization
which specifically coordinated and directed all systems to
launch the comprehensive suppression of Falun Gong.

Yi Rong: “Policemen and officials began to quit the CCP
a long time ago, as well as some higher rank officials.
610 office is a full-time agency of Politics and Law Committee
in the persecution of Falun Gong. It is an accomplice of the CCP.
In over 13 years of persecution of Falun Gong,
they continually met with Falun Gong practitioners,
so some with conscience know these practitioners
are nice and good.
Some kept their conscience, and won’t be active when
someone reports Falun Gong practitioners, trying to avoid (to persecute them).”

A volunteer in 『quitting CCP Service Center,』 Ina, described
how two directors of Public Security Bureaus quit the CCP.

“Quitting the CCP" volunteer Ina: “When I made the phone
call, I originally did not know he is a director.
He wouldn’t accept my words at the beginning.
He asked me if I know what he does. I said no.
Then he said he is a director of a public security bureau.
I said OK, if you are a director, then you must be a vanguard in the persecution of Falun Gong.
I told him people who persecute Falun Gong will be sent
to trial in the end. Finally, he told me to quit the CCP for him.”

After he quit the CCP, he provided me the phone number
of another director of a public security bureau,
asking the volunteer to help persuading his friend
to quit the CCP too.

Ina: “He said, 『I have a friend, please help him too!
He is also a director.』
At the beginning when I dialed, he hung up once hearing
quitting the CCP. Later on, I tried another five times.
He finally picked up the phone. At the beginning,
he did not say anything, but just listened to me.
I told him, 『if you won』t quit the CCP, you are supporting it,
all evil deeds the CCP did will be related to you.’
If you support the evil, you are a bad man,
and will be punished in the future.
Hearing this, he then said,『
please help me to quit the CCP!』”

Once when Ina called, there were eight people dining
together. They said to Ina, “We eight all quit the CCP.
The CCP is simply a rogue party, using their power
to bully others." Ina said that cases like this are quite common.
