【禁闻】丑闻笼罩记者节 新闻敲诈大案随之


















采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/萧宇

China Journalist’s Day Follows News Extortion Case
And Scandals

Nov. 8 2013 is the 14th China Journalist’s Day.

But the recent “Chen Yongzhou incident" makes the
journalism industry become the center of scandals.
This year Journalist’s Day doesn’t have an atmosphere of
happiness but many reports of self-discipline and self-reflection.
More seriously, there’s a report saying news extortion with
millions of dollars involved is being investigated.
Let’s see the report.

There are only three holidays named after careers:
Teacher’s Day, Nurse’s Day, and Journalist’s Day.
Chinese journalists have different feelings this year.

Chen Yongzhou, reporter at Guangdong newspaper
New Express, was arrested for writing several reports
about a company in Hunan Province.

The case was initially considered injustice due to the
persecution of the reporter’s opinion supervision.
But the situation changed when CCTV aired Chen’s
confession for taking bribes to do the reports.
Chinese official media unanimously condemned
the reporter for taking bribes.
The journalism career used to be respected,
but now has become the target of condemnation.

During the Journalist’s Day this year, some people say
they should learn the lesson.
Some others say they should use self-discipline.

Some also suggested making Journalist’s Day
into “Reflection Day".

Chinese political commentary columnist, Zhu Jianguo says
that even if Chen Youzhou had taken bribes, that didn’t mean
what he reported on was untruthful.

The authority is misleading people with this wrong logic.

Zhu Jianguo: “There’s no good egg in a turned over nest.

No career can avoid corruption in a corrupted society,
including journalism. It’s normal to have corruption everywhere.
There’s priority and minority among corruptions. The
corruption of officials and ruling party is the root, the culprit."

The nightmare of media and journalists has not stopped.

Nongfu Spring company recently reported Beijing News
newspaper for fabricating facts to make false reports.
This led to severe economic loss for the company.

Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao reveals a news extortion
involving over a million RMB is under investigation.

Former reporter at Shanxi Youth Newspaper Gao Qinrong
was sentenced to eight years when reporting a corruption
case in Yucheng of Shanxi Province.

Gao Qinrong: “There are phenomenona of taking bribes
among journalists in China.
But there are truly a lot of solars taking hush money, which
is also caused by an unsound legal and social system."

There was a survey conducted by the United State in 2013
that China has the most paid news reporting among the 66
countries that are on the ranking list.

A former Chinese county official recently revealed that the
majority of the 100 letters or so he received in a year when
he was in the position were bribes for negative reports,
asking for bonus, inviting meals, ordering newspapers etc.

He Qingliang, Chinese economist living in the US,
made commentary on the Chen Yongzhou incident.
She says, “The Chen Yongzhou incident revealed three
inside stories of Chinese politics; collusions between
enterprises and media, as well as double-crossing.

Enterprises have unhealthy competitions using
political power.
Chinese media is used by power and money. Power is
involved in every corner in Chinese society."

Political commentary Xia Xiaoqiang: “All the media under
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rule are party mouthpieces.
Media is the tool of the CCP for the purpose of hiding the
truth and maintaining power."

Zhan Jiang, journalism professor at Beijing Foreign Studies
University pointed out in his column that there are many
more reporters who take bribes than who don’t in China.

The current fact is that media corruption is common.
Corrupt reporters and media reveal each others’ corruption.
This is a vicious circle.

Zhu Jianguo: “To fight corruption under such corrupted
environment in China, we can only rely on small corruption
to reveal the big corruption to make development in society.

Even if a reporter is corrupt, but he reports a big corruption,
story then he’s still a positive power, still benefiting society."

Zhu Jianguo says corrupt reporters can also hit the big time.
