【禁闻】长寿外企多 中国企业为何短命?
















(采访/朱智善 编辑/易如 后制/钟元)

Why Foreign Companies More Well-Off Than Chinese?

U.S. computer giant Microsoft announced on September 3
that it will acquire Nokia for $7.2 billion.
During the discussions on this transaction,
people noticed that Nokia actually has 140 years of history.
While companies in China have a slogan of
“Building Business with One hundred Years’ History,”
does China really have businesses with 100 years of history?
Why are foreign companies able to have long histories,
while Chinese enterprises are often short-lived?

According to statistics, China only has five enterprises
with over 150 years of history.
China’s oldest enterprise is Liubiju Food, founded in 1538,
followed by Zhangxiaoquan Scissors, founded in 1663.
Chenliji Pharmaceuticals, Tong Ren Tang Medicine
and Wanglaoji Herbal Tea are the other three businesses.
Chinese businesses with more than 100 years of history
include Qingdao Beer and Luzhou Laojiao.

China experts say that since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
took over China, it carried out the so-called “land and business
reforms" to wipe out landlords and capitalists.
Private businesses were confiscated, causing many to collapse.
Old businesses only kept the names.
The monopoly of state-owned enterprises is even worse.

Gong Shengli, independent researcher on China issues:
“There isn’t much space or future for old-brand businesses.
The market is monopolized, with no capital, no investment,
how can one develop?
The system determines the survival and rules of enterprises."

Statistics show as of 2012, Japan has over 21,000 businesses
with over 100 years of history, 3,146 over 200 years of history,
ranking top of the world.
Seven businesses have over 1,000 years of history.
The top three world’s oldest companies are Japanese companies.

There are lots of businesses in Europe with more than
200 years of history, 837 in Germany, 222 in the Netherlands,
196 in France.

There are 1,100 businesses with over 100 years of history
in the U.S., a country with only over 200 years of history.

Chen Ting, a financial consultant from Canada,
says businesses that survived over 1,000 years because
the country respects private property rights,
and protects them in the legal aspects.

Chen Ting: “They think private property cannot be deprived.

The major trait of Communism is to eliminate
private ownership and share all production materials.
China doesn’t have laws to protect private property.

The Chinese government has more power than the law."

Chinese enterprises do not have longevity,
and some even some short-lived.

Zhang Junguo, Legal Person of Nantong Hongfeng Wood Co.,
says one of the reasons for Chinese enterprises’ short life
is the government’s demolition policy,
that causes bankruptcy of many businesses.

Zhang Junguo: “My business is a limited liability company.
It needs investment and it is one of the nation’s top three
companies in building materials.
The company was founded a decade ago.
But we were not compensated well during demolition.
I was only given 94,300 yuan, barely to pay for a parking lot.
The company is already in bankruptcy.
There is simply no longevity for businesses."

Gong Shengli says the high cost of the CCP’s so-called
“party controlled” enterprises is another reason
for their being “short-lived."

Chen Ting says that the CCP was forced to
allow some Chinese people have private enterprises
in fear of its collapse.

Chen Ting: “Transportation, communications, oil and gas,
energy and finance sectors are not open for private investment."

The Chinese Private Enterprise Development Report,
prepared in 2008 by National Federation of Private Enterprises,
says that China has 150,000 new private enterprises each year,
while more than 100,000 have collapsed.
60% of private enterprises have gone bankrupt within five years,
while 85 % of private enterprises disappear in 10 years.
Their average life expectancy is only 2.9 years.

Live expectancy of companies with over 10 million yuan
($1.6 million) in yearly revenue is only seven years.

NTD Report Yi Ru
