【禁闻】前红色高棉领导人道歉 中共遭掌掴















采访/常春 编辑/李明飞 后制/李智远

Former Khmer Rouge Leader´s Apology Is a Slap in the Face
For the Chinese Communist Regime.

In a recent UN-backed tribunal in Phnom Penh in Cambodia,

former Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan
have apologized for the first time to the families of victims
during the massacres committed
the Cambodia Communist regime.
Analysts believe that the apology is undoubtedly a slap in the face
to the Chinese Communist regime, back bone of Pol Pot´s regime.
However, the crimes committed by the Chinese Communist regime
exceed by far what the Cambodia Communists did.
Therefore, in the endgame, the apology by Cambodian leaders
will send all the criminals to final justice.

Nuon Chea is on trial for genocide and crimes
against humanity.
As second in command to Pol Pot,
also known as Brother number 2,
Nuon Chea was President of the Standing Committee of
the Kampuchean People’s Representative Assembly.
Khieu Samphan was Brother number 4,
he was the president and prime minister following Pol Pot.

The case of Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan is the second
To be tried by the Cambodian Extraordinary Chambers.
Chief jailer of S-21, Kaing Guek Eav, was the first convicted
and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Nuon Chea told the court: “As a leader, I must take
responsibility for the damage done, the danger to my nation,"
and he offered his “deepest condolences"
to relatives of those who had died.

He told the families of the victims, “I feel remorseful for
crimes that were committed intentionally or unintentionally
whether I had known or not known about it."

Xia Ming, political science professor at City University of
New York: “The Khmer Rouge regime was supported
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Information has revealed that the International Liaison
Department of the CCP supported the Khmer Rouge with money, training, and weapons.
The CCP is the number one supporter of the crimes
against humanity committed by the Khmer Rouge.”

The Communist Party of Kampuchea is
commonly known as the “Khmer Rouge.”
Two million people died of labor, famine, disease and
political killing during the Khmer Rough era.
The Khmer Rouge intended to create an agrarian communist
utopia, following Maoism and destroying all enemies.

The Khmer Rouge brought humanitarian disaster to Cambodia
but was finally ousted by the Vietnamese army.

Professor Xia Ming believes the trial shows the complete
failure of communism in Cambodia, and will soon reveal the crimes of the CCP.

Xia Ming: “Cambodia´s case recalls the CCP’s massacre,
starting from the early years ,when the CCP took over China,
the repression of rightists and intellectuals,
the Cultural Revolution and the Great Famine,
which killed tens of millions of Chinese,
will face due trial soon, the UN has the right
and also the responsibility to intervene.”

Khieu Samphan, has, however, claimed that
he was just a nominal leader.
He said he did not know at the time about “the atrocities
committed by military commanders and leaders.” and:
“I did not know of the great suffering of our people.”
He said that the perpetrators “must be brought to justice.”

Commentator Lin Zixu accuses Khieu Samphan of
trying to shirk his responsibility.

Commentator Lin Zixu:
“This high official´s silence is itself an accomplice.
Likewise, the live organ harvest of the Falun Gong practitioners
by the Communist Party is a crime and an unprecedented evil committed by the Jiang faction.
The ongoing silence of the Chinese regime and it´s current
leaders will lead to the same fate as that of Khieu Samphan."

Tribunal spokesman Lars Olsen said, “Many victims have
waited more than 30 years to hear any statement of
apology or regret from leaders of the Khmer Rouge.”
