【禁闻】卡扎菲毙命 中共大做文章







卡扎菲死亡的重磅消息,《新华网》、《人民网》都摆在显要位置,不过,在《卡扎菲之死,谁最受益?》的文章中, 《新华网》评论说,卡扎菲曾多次誓言要当一名“烈士”,现在他在战场上被打死,而不会像萨达姆那样遭受种种羞辱,因此是个不算最坏的结局。










CCP Sings An Opposite Tune On Gaddafi’s Death

Libyan dictator Gaddafi came to his end finally and
celebrations everywhere in Libya.
The news inspired the world and rejoices spread over not only
the Libyan people but all who are striving for democracy and freedom.
In contrast, the CCP authorities, a similar regime to Gaddafi
dictatorship, responded coldly to his death.
Instead, the CCP made a big fuss in its mouthpiece media
with articles singing an opposite tune.

Gaddafi’s life ended on October 20th in the Libyan city of Sirte,
marking the collapse of his 42-year dictatorship.
The news was followed by Libyan celebrations.

On the streets of Tripoli, soldiers fired shots into the sky,
and residents rejoiced.
Eight-months of war ended at last.

World leaders condemned the atrocities committed by Gaddafi
during his lifetime and celebrated the end of tyranny in Libya.
U.S. President Barack Obama said that Gaddafi’s death is
opening a new chapter.
European Commission President Jose Barroso believes that
this represents the end of Libya’s authoritarian era.
Moreover, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, German
Foreign Minister West Wheeler, French Foreign Minister Alain
Juppe and British Prime Minister Cameron, among others,
expressed clearly their joy of the end of a tyrannical regime in Libya.

What is the response of the CCP authorities?

On October 21st, CCP Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Jiang Yu, in response to the news of Gaddafi’s death,
claimed that China has noted the relevant reports, hoping
Libya would rapidly embark on an inclusive political process.
Jiang Yu did not comment Gaddafi’s death.
So far, no CCP leaders have made public comments.

How did the CCP mouthpiece media report Gaddafi’s death?

News about Gaddafi’s death were placed prominently
on both Xinhuanet.com and People.com.cn.
However, an article entitled “Gaddafi’s Death, Who Is
the Most Beneficial?" published on Xinhuanet.com,
commented that Gaddafi had repeatedly vowed to
be a “martyr."
Now he is dead on the battlefield, but unlike Saddam,
who suffered all kinds of humiliation, this was not the worst end for Gaddafi.

An article entitled, “The Impact of Gaddafi’s Death on the
Libyan Situation" stated, “For the ruling authorities of Libya and
the international community, Gaddafi’s death does not mean a
rosy future for Libya.
On the contrary, various challenges have
been posed among parties concerned. ”

People’s Daily published an article entitled “Libya Completely
Turned Over Gaddafi Era" with a subheading of
“Transitional Committee claims to enter into the construction
period; the public believes factional struggles will intensify.”

What’s more, Yin Gang, a researcher at The Institute of West
Asian and African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences and Secretary General at the Chinese Association of
Middle East Studies proposed that it is possible for tangled warfare to break out among warlords in Libya.

Commentator Chen Zhifei believes that the CCP authorities’
remarks claiming possible civil strife in Libya is misleading to the public.

Chen Zhifei: “Since Libya’s transitional government
has announced, with Gaddafi’s death, the whole democratic process has officially been initiated.
A general election will be held within eight months.
Now, the entire country is becoming stabilized.
That proves that with the majority welcoming democracy,
and in terms of basic human rights,
such a democratic process is proceeding orderly and is
in line with the interests of the Libyan people.
In a very short time, the problem will be solved.”

Let’s look at an article on Xinhuanet entitled,
“Chen Hu’s Review: Antennae Hidden Behind Libyan War".
The first subheading is: “The West Rushed to
Divide the Booty in Libya”.
The article said that in terms of ideology, the West has no
justifications to join the war.
The author claims that a huge motivation behind the West’s
involvement in the Libyan war is economic interests, displaying
“a naked allocation process of economic interest."

Chen Zhifei: “But what we have seen is that based on the
U.S. oil imports data, its largest export partner is not a Middle
Eastern country, but is Canada, which accounted for 50% of
the total import value of the U.S.
The second is Saudi Arabia, the third is Mexico.

So according to some online discussions’ conclusions,
shouldn’t the U.S. be more inclined to invade Canada or
Mexico, instead of Iraq or Libya, to resolve its oil problems?”

Chen Zhifei pointed out that the West’s aid to the Libyan rebels
is based on the concept of Western civilization and out of care for Libyan people.
By providing aid, the West hopes to give some help to promote
movements for freedom and democracy.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Li Ruilin
