【禁聞】陸民撐佔中 不認罪 刑拘改批捕

【新唐人2014年11月12日訊】11月11號,香港「佔領中環」行動進入第45天,在這期間中國有近百名公民 ,因為支持香港這場民主運動被刑事拘捕,目前仍有70多人沒被釋放。部分人更因37天刑拘期滿後 ,家人前去辦理取保手續時要求無罪釋放,而被臨時轉為批捕。大陸律師指出,這是警察在濫用職權犯罪。

人權組織國際特赦Amnesty International,日前在一份聲明中呼籲參加亞太經合組織APEC峰會的領導人,敦促中共當局釋放因支持香港「佔中」被關押的活動人士。


因聲援香港佔中行動,遭當局以「涉嫌尋釁滋事」刑事拘留的北京宋莊詩人李磊、微笑公益創辦人韓穎、微笑公益志願者姜流勇、劉慧珍、李冬梅等人,在被關押37天後又遭非法批捕 ,目前檢察院考慮正式起訴。








9月30號 ,北京詩人王藏在網上發佈他剃光頭聲援香港佔中的照片。10月2號夜間,王藏被北京通州國保帶走,他被刑拘後,警察使用連坐法,8號晚 ,將他的妻子和2歲的女兒抓捕關押,十幾個小時不讓吃飯、喝水,並且粗暴推撞,導致孩子被撞傷。

隋牧青:「現在像王藏都過了審查逮捕的期限,但是他的家人沒有收到任何通知,那麼李磊會不會也這樣,這個我就不清楚,因為檢察院還有一個審查期間 ,就是7天後才做決定。」

此外,因聲援香港佔中被抓走的還有:江西宋寧生、龔新華、陳茂森、深圳汪龍、上海瀋艷秋、重慶羅亞玲、 廣州謝文飛、王默、黃敏鵬、劉輝、北京劉惠珍 、重慶韓良、謝丹等人。


採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

Beijing Keeps Occupy Central Supporters in Custody

On the 45th day of Occupy Central, nearly 100 Chinese
have been taken into detention.

Up to Nov. 11, more than 70 people remain in custody.

On the 37th day when the detention expired, rather than being
released on bail, many of them experienced “authorized” arrest.

Lawyers indicate that the police have abused their authority.

In a press release, Amnesty International asked world leaders
gathering in Beijing for the APEC summit to urge China
to release scores of mainland activists detained
for peacefully supporting Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests.

It said, “At least 76 people in mainland China remain
in detention for supporting calls for genuine universal suffrage
in Hong Kong, according to the latest information
Amnesty International has been able to verify.”

“The past month has seen Chinese police detain people
in connection with the pro-democracy protests,
especially in Beijing, Jiangsu, and the southern cities
of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which are close to Hong Kong.”

On suspicion of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”,
the police arrested Li Lei, Han Ying, Jiang Liuyong and so forth.

After 37 days of custody, the arrest was authorized
and the case was sent to the Procuratorate.

In an interview with NTD on Nov. 11, Li Lei’s attorney Sui Muqing
indicated the police notified Li's wife to bail Li out,
but Li Lei demanded to be acquitted.

The police were angered and canceled his bail formalities
and applied for prosecutor’s arrest.

Attorney Sui Muqing: “This is a violation of the law
and the Constitution.

This ‘pocket crime’ derived from the ‘crime of hooliganism’ era
to target those who are an annoyance to the police.

Last year, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Procuratorate
actually made an illegal interpretation of this crime
and extended it to speech.

If the police believe someone’s talk offends the government
or the officials, they can arrest the person on this crime."

Sui Muqing said the support for Occupy Central is well within
the scope of freedom of expression by the Constitution.

It is not a crime.

But the police convert the bail to arrest at will,
it is obviously a serious abuse of authority.

Chinese Human Rights Defenders’ website reported,
Han Ying’s family was notified that Han Ying was formally
arrested on the 8th.

Of the total of 11 arrested, seven of them agreed
to be released on bail, but were then transferred to black jails.

Han Ying and the others were immediately arrested
for insisting on their innocence and refusing to apply for bail.

Han Ying’s attorney, Wang Yu, made clear that Han Ying was
arrested on Oct. 1 for writing a few words
to support the Occupy Central.

Wang Yu has also been denied a meeting with Han Ying
at the detention center.

Beijing lawyer Wang Yu: “Beijing police are completely lawless.

They used to put on a façade with some procedure
and chance to meet the detainee. Now, there is no law.”

According to Wang Yu, Guangdong activist Su Changlan
has been missing since last month for supporting Occupy Central.

Wang Yu said that the arrest was meant to intimidate
the supporters, but the Procuratorate also endorsed the arrest.

The so-called “rule of law” claimed in the Fourth Plenary Session
is obviously just a joke.

On Sept. 30, Beijing poet Wang Zang posted his shaved head
photo online to support the Occupy Central.

On Oct. 2, he was taken away by Beijing national security.

The police took the collective punishment approach.

On the 8th, Wang Zang’s wife and 2-year-old girl
were also arrested and kept in custody without food and water
for more than 10 hours.

Their violent behavior also injured the girl.

Sui Muqing: “Even Wang Zang’s arrest has expired.
But his family has not received any notice.

I don’t know what will happen to Li Lei either.

There is a 7-day review in the Procuratorate
before a decision is made.”

Also arrested for supporting the Occupy Central are
Song Ningsheng, Gong Xinhua and Chen Maosen from Jiangxi,
Wang Long from Shenzhen, Shen Yanqiu from Shanghai,
Luo Yaling from Chongqing, Xie Wenfei from Guangzhou,
Liu Hui from Beijing and so forth.

Among them, Song Ningsheng, Gong Xinhua and Chen Maosen
held placards in support of Occupy Central
and called on Chinese to fight for freedom
on the morning of Sept. 30.

Around noon, Jiangxi Province dispatched 60 to 70 police
to arrest them from home and raided their homes.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Chen Jianming
