【禁聞】徐才厚被起訴 外界猜刑期

【新唐人2014年10月29日訊】徐才厚起訴 外界猜刑期




佔中滿月 港民撐傘抗議警方催淚


呼籲制止中共活摘 西澳年輕人獻策




What Sentence Will Xu Caihou Receive After Being Sued?

Former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Military
Commission Vice Chairman Xu Cachou’s case finally broke.
According to CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency report,
on Oct. 27, the CCP military procuratorate finished its
investigation on Xu Caihou’s alleged bribery crimes and
transferred the information over for the prosecution.

It said, Xu Caihou sought a huge amount benefit by taking
advantage of his position.
Many media believe Xu will be sentenced to severe
punishment or even death according to this news.

According to earlier media reports, Xu Caihou is the hand-
picked army spokesman of former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.
Xu and Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou
Yongkang were considered two cronies of Jiang Zemin.
Between them they controlled the army and the
political and legal system.
Meanwhile, Xu Caihou is the primary person responsible
in the military to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
He is involved in commit live organ harvesting.

Hong Kong People Protest Police Tear Gas With Umbrellas
During Occupy Central

It has been one month for the Hong Kong peoples’ democracy
and universal suffrage struggle of Occupy Central.
On Oct. 28, the protesters had a full moon ceremony.

Thousands of people silently stood for 87 seconds at 5:57 pm
against police who used with 87 tear gas canisters last month.

Western Young People Suggest Ending CCP’s Live
Organ Harvesting

On Oct. 25, Australian Falun Gong practitioners collected
signatures in Australia’s state capital Perth.
They called on China to stop the live organ harvesting from
Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China.
They obtained many signatures of support from local people.

According to the US Minghui website report, many young
people not only expressed support with signatures, but also
suggested using the Internet to let more people know the
truth quickly.
Some suggested a Facebook page to show the truth;
Some recommended creating an online activity with statistical
data so that the most active university students can help to
spread the information; Some suggested to keep signees up to
date via email with the latest information.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
