【禁聞】保鏢激增至400多萬 中國處動盪前夜?

【新唐人2013年12月26日訊】流亡美國的著名中國異議人士魏京生,最近在評論文章中指出,從2010年中共開始實施「保安服務管理條例」、正式承認「保鏢」的合法地位以來,三年中,保鏢業迅速成長,現在已經有430多萬保鏢。魏京生認為,保鏢業迅速崛起,表明社會正處於崩潰的邊緣、動盪的前夜。請看下面報導 。
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/孫寧

Social upheaval: The bodyguard business is booming in China

Wei Jingsheng, the famous Chinese dissident in exile, states in
his recent article that since the Security Service Management
Regulations went effective in 2010,
bodyguarding has been recognized as a profession by the
Communist regime. Within just three years, there are now more
than 4.3 million bodyguards in China.
Wei Jinsheng believes that the rise of the bodyguard business
signals that society is on the verge of collapse and the eve of

The following is our report.

Wei Jingsheng writes in a column for Radio Free Asia on
Dec. 24 that according to the Economic Observer’s data,
there are more than 4,000 security companies, and 4.3 million
personal security guards in China.
According to the privately-owned security companies,
clients have expanded from celebrities to the wealth class.
The prosperity of business has urged some of them considering
to become listed companies.

Wei Jingsheng indicates that even though the wealthy and the
celebrities in the U.S. are far more numerous than that in China,
the bodyguard business has not flourished into an industry
worth tens of billions of profits in the U.S.

He believes that Western society is healthier in social fairness.
After WWII, disparity is relatively adequate because of
social welfare and policies leading to income distribution.

Whereas China has not done so and thus a serious psychological
resentment of the rich has developed, and consequently
many robberies and kidnappings happen in China today.

Mr. Lu is a 34 – year-old billionaire, his friend was just recently
killed after a ransom.
For personal safety, he signed a contract with more than 20
professional bodyguards for his families and himself.
The bodyguards will take care of public relations, business,
house hold chores, and the kids to-and-from schools.

Commentator Zhang Jian believes that no other country would
have as big a wealth disparity as in China.
There are also resentments against the rich in other developing
countries, but not as severe as in China.
Social injustice exists everywhere, but none as wide and deep
as in China today.

Zhang Jian, commentator: “The bodyguard business reflects
the contemporary Chinese society, where the rich have become
the criminal and the enemy for their exploitation of the people."

Zhang Jian believes that people will risk their lives under
desperate situations.

In fact, ransoms demands happen in China frequently.

Zhejiang billionaire Zheng Buliang’s son was kidnapped and
killed in 1998;
Inner Mongolia entrepreneur Yun Quanmin was kidnapped on
Sept. 25, after his family delivered 2.4 million yuan ransom
the next day, he was still killed;
Zhejiang billionaire surnamed Jin was kidnapped by seven
robbers for 35 million yuan;
Hangzhou Wahaha Group CEO Zong Qinghou was attacked
in September;
A Liaoning female entrepreneur was kidnapped for three
million yuan.

In 2004 alone, there are 3,863 cases of ransom according to the
Ministry of Public Security, far beyond what the rest of the
world have encountered.

Wei Jingsheng’s article also indicates that the legal system in the
West safeguards social fairness and justice and helps to restrict
disputes from worsening.

In China, however, the Constitution regulates
“the party is greater than the law."
In reality, the authorities are above the law, the privileged class
is also above the law, and law enforcers interpret the law

However, when the rulers abolish the authority of the
Constitution and the law, they also abolish its own legitimacy,
and thus rely on violence to maintain law enforcement.

Wei Jingsheng explains that the Chinese are traditionally
Through decades of the Communist ruling and education,
law no longer holds its status in people.
More and more people take the illegal approach to get rich and
consequently, the government relies on millions of
military and police to maintain the regime, and the bureaucrats
and the rich rely on bodyguards for personal security.

Writer Liao Zusheng believes that hundreds of billions of state
funds used in maintaining stability is merely a long-term contract
for killing, torture and robbery of the country.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist: “The officials of the political and
legal system, in particular, owe too much blood debt
for injustice, suppression, deprivation of people’s
freedom and even lives."

Wei Jingsheng stresses in his article that when the upper social
strata treat the people as a lamb to be slaughtered, they become
the lambs themselves in a society on the brink of collapse.

In Chinese society with a history of rebellion and revolution,
it is the eve of social unrest.

Interview/ZhuZhishan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/SunNing
