【禁聞】「北大」威脅夏業良 9月恐被開除


「北京大學」教授夏業良遭「北大」校方威脅, 9月份可能被開除。





七五前夕 民大維族教師被軟禁失聯





武漢訪民鄒桂蘭 人在家中坐被拘

湖北省武漢江岸區的訪民鄒桂蘭,上個月21號,她正在家中時,突然被10多名衝入家中的不明人士帶走。鄒桂蘭隨後被當局以擾亂治安秩序為由拘留十天,關押在武漢第一女子監獄 。



Peking University Professor Faces Dismissal for Criticizing Chinese Regime

Professor Xia Ye-liang in Peking University
was threatened with dismissal in September.

Xia is currently at Stanford University in the United States.

He told Voice of America on July 4 that he was
informed a professor committee would vote in
September to decide if they would dismiss him.
He said that leaders in Peking University certainly do
not want to bear the stigma of political suppression.

Prof. Xia Ye-liang has always been outspoken.

Recently, leaders in Peking University reported he used a
microblog to criticize the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
He also criticized the state and the socialist
system, ridiculing the distorted Chinese dream.
Leaders also read his articles including
『Anti-constitutional Government Is Against Humanity』.
Xia Ye-liang countered, asking “did I say anything wrong?”

Shang Dewen, former Professor of Economics
in Peking University, and an independent
commentator, spoke to Voice of America on July 4.
If Peking University dismisses Xia Ye-liang, who dares
to express his views on sensitive issues, then it does not
match with its position of a highest institution in China.
This will cause a bad effect in the international community.

Shang said that if Xia Ye-liang were truly dismissed
in September, it would be a sadness for Peking
University staff under the control of the CCP.
The little remaining academic freedom
of speech will be gone in Peking University.
This is rooted in the CCP Central Propaganda Department.

Since Peking University should take orders from
higher levels, the CCP secretary has the final say.
He does not perform in accordance with the academic
status of Peking University, nor to any constitutions.

Uighur Teacher Under House Arrest

Another teacher in a college in China was placed
under house arrest, and contact with her was lost.

Uighur teacher Tohti, based in the Central
University for Nationalities, lost her freedom.
She was placed under house arrest
before the anniversary of 7-5 event.

Radio Free Asia quoted the news of a Beijing activist Hu Jia.

Hu said that he could not get
into contact with Tohti on July 4.
There was no response from Tohti’s two cell
phones, network, and microblog messages.

Hu said that Tohti has been under house arrest since the
morning of July 3, by the Beijing State Security Division.

Petitioners in Wuhan Detained

Petitioner Zou Guilan in Jiangan District, Wuhan
has been forcibly taken away from her home,
on June 21, by about a dozen strangers.
Zou was subsequently detained for ten
days in No. 1 Women’s Prison in Wuhan.
She was charged with disturbing public order.

Livelihood Watch Studio reported that
Zou’s detention term ended on July 3.
Some petitioners and activists in Wuhan came to pick
her up, but were threatened that Zou cannot be released.
They had to leave, and Zou was only
released around 11 a.m. the next day.
After her release, her family members held a banner
saying, “where is the crime for staying at home?"
