





杜斌失蹤 馬三家受害者欲抗議



報導說, 5月31號夜裡,來自北京市公安局及地方派出所的10名警察,前往杜斌位於北京豐臺區的居所,將他秘密拘捕。警察還搜查了杜斌居所內有關上訪者及「六四」學運的大量書籍和影像資料,並將他的住所封鎖。

據海外中文媒體報導,杜斌被北京公安指控印刷非法出版物, 5月31號被刑事拘留,現羈押於北京豐臺區看守所。



杜斌失蹤 國際關注




Chinese Comunist Party Propaganda Department Bans
Reporting Of Xiamen Bus Fire

A fast system bus was set on fire, killing 48 people in Xiamen.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) declared
it would solve the case in one day.
It claimed that a petitioner named Chen Shuizong was the
only suspect. He died from self-demolition on the bus.
However, this conclusion is challenged by netizens. They think
that Chen is just a “scapegoat”, and there is an inside story.

RFI reported that the CCP propaganda department
already announced a ban on any reports of this case.
The propaganda department requires all media in China to use
the Xinhua News Agency’s report and local authority’s release.
No reporter can go Fujian to interview about the bus fire case
in Xiamen. Whoever has gone there must return immediately.

Meanwhile, online comments and analysis about this case
have also been blocked and deleted.

Du Bin Is Missing. Masanjia Victims Protest

Freelance writer Du Bin has been missing for a week.

He’s also the director of documentary movie
“The Women of Masanjia Labor Camp” that
reveals tortures in Masanjia women’s labor camp
in Liaoning. Masanjia victims will protest for it.

Deutsche Welle reported that Masanjia victim Liu Hua
called Du Pin for the last time around 9pm on May 31.
Du’s health condition wasn’t good due to being tired.
He was sick before being secretly arrested.

The report says that 10 police from Beijing public security
and local police stations were dispatched to Du’s house
in Fengtai district of Beijing, and secretly arrested him.
The police took all the books and videos about petitioners
and June 4th movement from Du’s house. They blockaded it.

According to oversea media,
Du is accused of printing illegal publications.
He was in criminal detention on May 31, and is currently
detained in Fengtai district jail of Beijing.

Du Bin is a freelance writer and independent
documentary movie producer in mainland China.
He was a contract photographer of New York Times (NYT).

However, the CCP Foreign Ministry refused to issue
a work permit for his photography job since 2011.

Du released the documentary movie
“The Women of Masanjia Labor Camp” this April.
It reveals the tortures in Masanjia women’s labor camp.

Du’s book “Tiananmen Massacre” was published
in Hong Kong the end of May.
It is the first book that reveals the truth of June 4th incident
written by a mainland Chinese.

Du Bin Is Missing; International Concern Follows This

Du Bin’s missing also raised international concern.

On June 7th, human rights organization Amnesty International
called the CCP to immediately reveal the whereabouts of Du Bin.
Before that, International Federation of Journalists also issued
a statement condemning the CCP’s suppressing of journalists,
and called for the CCP to release Du as soon as possible.

According to Deutsche Welle, NYT’s Beijing Bureau tried to
ask of Du Bin’s situation from Beijing police, but were refused.
New York Times will continue to inquire Du Bin’s condition.
