














採訪/易如 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

The Constitution’s Article 35 and Censorship

At the beginning of this year, the hottest topic was
the New Year’s special edition of the Southern Weekly,
which was tampered with by a Guangdong Propaganda
Department official.
After the intervention with the Guangdong Provincial Party
Secretary, Hu Chunhua, the incident has temporarily come to an end.
However, the British Financial Times said, “Article 35
of China’s Constitution is to protect the freedom of expression and freedom of the press.
Thus, conflicts from the Southern Weekly incident look
ridiculous and laughable.

Article 35 of the Constitution stipulates, “Citizens
of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech,
press, association, procession and demonstration."

However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) never
implemented article 35,and even the phrase, “freedom of speech" is shielded.

The Financial Times published an article in January
entitled, “From the Southern Weekly incident China’s ridiculous censorship can be seen."
The article says the CCP keeps article 35 in the Constitution,
but it uses censorship to remind the public that the Party media is unshakable.
This sounds indeed ridiculous.

The article also quoted Marx as saying capitalist society
will eventually collapse due to the weight of its contradictions.
Let’s hope the censorship in China will collapse
due to the weight of its contradictions.

The CCP Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary, Hu
Chunhua, reached an agreement with the Southern Weekly.
The newspaper will resume normal publication.
The censorship system before publication will be abolished.
The chief editor, Huang Can, will step down.

Some media outlets reported that the CCP focuses
on stability first.
In order to maintain stability, freedom of speech has to go.

The Southern Weekly’s protest was only the weak resistance
of media personnel, accompanied by limited civil support.
Authorities worried about the worsening of the situation,
so they were eager to appease. And that’s all.

Gao Yu, a senior media person, commented that this
is the first time in 20 years that the mainstream media in China encountered such a large-scale strike.
On the surface the CCP made concessions, but the future
self-censorship of the news agencies is up to the new leadership from outside.
That includes the review, deletion and revision of articles.
In other words, it is the same old wine, but in a new bottle.
Changes are only superficial.

Gao Yu: “Media is a public institution.

However, right now no one makes any investment in it
and it is basically a public funded instrument.
The CCP uses taxpayers’ money to violate the Constitution.
In actuality, victims are only taxpayers."

Wang Beiji, a political commentator, said that
it was too early to mention Southern weekly’s victory,
because the CCP would never give up the control of
people’s thoughts after this incident.

Wang Beiji: “From the control of communist ideology
and culture of the country as a whole, the media,
communication, and microblog network,
one can see that it is getting worse.
The CCP represents interested groups, and its exploitation
of this country, society, and natural environment has reached a vicious cycle.”

Wang Beiji believes that the CCP has accumulated
too many problems.
If it does not control the media, all sorts of evil committed
by officials will be exposed.
Thus, the government will not be able to deceive the people,
and the people will revolt.

Wang Beiji: “Fundamentally, if the CCP relaxes
its ideology and culture, it is committing suicide.
If everyone has an opportunity to speak and do just one thing,
denounce the CCP, it will collapse.
Therefore, the CCP will never let go of its control
of the media and public opinion. It will only tighten control more.”

The Financial Times concluded that the CCP fears
instability of the society the most.
Too many officials think freedom of the press
being equivalent to turmoil.
They worry that freedom of opinion could lead to
another Tiananmen Incident.

However, others commented that unless the CCP has made
preparations to give up the one-party dictatorship,
once freedom of speech is implemented, the grievances
will become a tidal wave.
He Qinglian, a China’s economic and sociology scholar
in the US, pointed out that the Southern Weekly incident
is a soft confrontation between a non-organized group
and a highly organized political group.
There will be numerous social protests like
that in the future.
