【禁闻】高智晟刑满 全球吁中共放人


















采访编辑/田净 后制/钟元

Global Calls for the Release of Gao Zhisheng

The man known as “China’s conscience,” human rights lawyer
Gao Zhisheng, is finishing an unjust three year prison sentence.
He’s expected to released on Aug. 7, but observers are worried
about whether he will indeed regain his freedom and released.
People from both China and abroad are calling for his release.
Please see our report.

Taiwan bipartisan legislators, the Taipei Bar Association’s
human rights commission chair, and Taiwan’s Association for
China Human Rights, called for the release of Gao Zhisheng
at an Aug. 5 press conference in Taiwan’s parliament.
Gao was imprisoned for defending the rights
of Falun Gong practitioners.

Yang Hsien-hung, Taiwan Association for China Human
Rights chair: “We aren’t confident in the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), because we think the CCP could use all sorts
of reasons to keep him imprisoned or continue monitoring him
even if he’s released."

Chen Shei-Saint, Taiwan KMT legislator: “On issues of human
rights in China, there’s no division in Taiwan’s political parties.
This is common belief among the people of Taiwan.

I hope that the mainland authorities will release Gao
according to schedule on August 7, allow him to reunite
with his family, and no longer subject them to harassment."

Yang Hsien-hung says that whether Gao will indeed
be released holds important meaning for Taiwan.

Yang Hsien-hung: “If Gao continues to be detained or illegally
monitored after he’s done his time, it means China has no law.
If the Chinese regime is so cruel to its own people,
we don’t believe it will treat Taiwanese well.

We believe the exchanges between China and Taiwan
should not be about prices, but values; not just about profit,
but also justice.

Caring for Gao Zhisheng is caring for justice.

Only when the cross-strait exchanges are based on values
and justice will they be of benefit.
Otherwise, everything our government is doing will be in vain."

In fact, Gao’s release is not only of concern to Taiwan,
but also to a number of organizations, institutions,
and individuals in the international community.

On July 28, the U.S. State Department urged
for Gao’s Aug. 7 release in a press conference
on the International Religious Freedom Report.

On Aug. 1, the British Embassy in China also called
for Gao’s freedom on its official Weibo.

Human Rights Watch issued a press release urging Chinese
authorities to release Gao without any other restrictions.
Gao shouldn’t be restricted from meeting with his family
or prevented from going abroad.

Chinese Christian Huang Yan, Chinese activist Hu Jia
and others have long stood in solidarity with Gao.
Each have called for public awareness and concern for Gao
to ensure his release and reunion with his family.

Hu Jia: “We’d say that, of all human rights lawyers in China,
Gao has suffered the most serious of the CCP’s retaliation.
In his three-year imprisonment, he met his relatives only twice.

His so-called three years of imprisonment and five years
of probation equate to an eight-year miscarriage of justice.
I am doing my best to appeal for him, so that he will not fall
back into the hands of those who persecuted him."

Even as so many groups, various organizations,
and netizens appeal for Gao,
many people, like Hu, aren’t optimistic
about Gao’s situation.
Gao’s wife, Geng He, also doesn’t expect anything different
from the CCP.

Geng He: “I had high hopes when president Xi Jinping
first came to power, as he’s a new generation of leadership.
But our family’s long-held wish to meet Gao on
a monthly basis remains unfulfilled.
So I’m disappointed.

Zhou Yongkang’s downfall did not change anything
for Gao’s case.
On August 7, Gao will be finished his full jail term."

Geng said on Twitter that her dad and Gao’s brother Gao Zhiyi
will go to pick up her husband from the prison in Shaya.
She hopes people will pay attention to how the CCP
treats Gao Zhisheng.

The 50-year-old Gao Zhisheng was named among
China’s Top Ten lawyers by the CCP’s Justice Department.
Beginning in 2004, Gao wrote three times to Chinese leaders,
demanding them to stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong,
and he himself was subsequently met with vicious persecution
by the Communist regime.

In 2006, Gao was sentenced to three years in prison
on charges of “inciting subversion of state power,"
and was put on probation for five years.

In 2011, authorities revoked his probation,
and Gao was sent to Shaya prison in Xinjiang.
In the time before his arrest and probation, Gao was kidnapped
by China’s state security and tortured for a long period of time.

Interview & Edit/TianJin Post-Production/ZhongYuan
