
【新唐人2013年11月23日讯】 外媒中共政坛面临大洗牌












据《路透社》11月21号报导,谷歌执行董事长埃里克.施密特(Eric Schmidt)周三(20号)在 美国约翰•霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)演讲时预言,先进的网路技术,将使世界各地的网络审查在十年内结束,人们终将夺回网络权力。



CCP Political Circles Face Large-scale Personnel Changes

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Xi Jinping is
planning large-scale personnel changes inside the party.
This also includes the political and military systems.

It has been reported that many of his trusted
followers will be promoted in several months.

Reuters quoted three separate sources
who are close to the CCP leadership.
They revealed that the coming power transitions
will further solidify Xi’s authority inside the party.

One source said that after the Third Plenary Session
Xi will push his officials to implement his reform plans.
Zhan Lishu, one of Xi’s most trusted individuals, will
replace Han Zheng as new party secretary in Shanghai.

Another source further revealed that
Han Zheng will be moved to Beijing.
He will work there as a high-level official in the “Leadership
Group on Comprehensive Deepening of Economic Reforms".
However, Li and Han’s change of position
has not been finally approved as of yet.

The Reuter’s article reported that the third
source wished to remain anonymous.
They informed that former party leader “Jiang Zemin
hoped Han Zheng could stay in Shanghai to watch
over his family and faction’s vested interests".

US-based Epoch Times published report
speculating that Han Zheng will be deprived
of his real power if he moves to Beijing.

Compared to the Shanghai party secretary, a top
leadership position in the city, any position in the
“Leadership Group on Comprehensively Deepening
Economic Reforms" is a post without real power.
If Li Zhanshu really manages to govern Shanghai,
this will indicate Jiang’s many-years of efforts
in establishing his “Shanghai Group" will have
been completely destroyed By Xi Jinping.

Pipeline Exploded in Qingdao Economic Development Zone

On November 22, a pipeline explosion occurred
in Huangdao Economic Development Zone,
Qingdao City, Shandong Province.

According to Party official media, at least 35 people
were killed, and 166 were injured in the accident.
These figures have been widely
questioned by Chinese netizens.
This is because the CCP authorities
have used 35 as a death toll on a
number of previous serious accidents.

It is reported that the exploded pipeline
is managed by the Sinopec Group.
It was part of a 1.3 billion yuan project, which was
only put into operation since August this year.

Google Executive Chairman Says
Internet Censorship Will End in a Decade

Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt has predicted
in a recent speech that advancement in internet technology
will bring internet censorship to an end within ten years.

Reuters reported on November 21 that Google
Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt made a speech
in John Hopkins University on the previous day.

Schmidt said that advancements in internet technology
will end internet censorship globally within ten years.
People will finally get their rights back on the internet.

Schmidt also said that the world should help spread
technology that protects netizens from surveillance.
This will help end government controls over
speech by the Chinese regime or other countries.

