






Jan. 7, Wednesday
Quit CCP Update

Some people distance themselves from the Chinese
Communist Party by not paying membership fees
or participating in party activities.

However, in the course of history,
who can only be a spectator?

Let’s look at today’s renouncement selection.

Peace Forever (Pseudonym) wrote:

“Historical development takes each person’s efforts.

Even though (you committed) no evil deeds, no one
is a spectator as long as you are in it.

I solemnly declare, and my family agrees, we officially
withdraw from the party and void our oath."

Zhao Yuqiang stated:

“I joined the army when I was very young.

I was brainwashed and could not distinguish
right from wrong;

I thought that the Communists were advanced,
and thus I requested to join the party.

But, gradually I clearly saw the darkness of the Party,
and thus requested to withdraw from the party,
but was denied.

Finally, I thought not paying the membership
was the way to stay away from the evil party.

I saw the Website stating that only one who completely
withdraws from the party is recognized as a non member.

Therefore, I strongly quit the evil party.

Please send me a certificate to confirm
my renouncement of the CCP."
