





“台湾法轮功大法学会”也整理出14名台湾人民修炼 法轮功遭中共拘押、逮捕的案例,其中被拘留最久的是大陆新娘程曦,她在2002年回深圳探亲时,遭非法拘捕,判刑4年。而这些逮捕过法轮功学员的中共官员,也因此都升了官。








采访/李倩倩 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Lawyers Persecuted for Defending Falun Gong

A Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner who went to China
was stopped by police upon his return.
Chinese police demanded he assist in an investigation.

He was then illegally arrested and his whereabouts
is unknown.
Another case involves a lawyer in Harbin, Wei Liangyue,
who, due to defending Falun Gong practitioners, was arrested by police on May 25.
The authorities warned Wei not to defend
Falun Gong practitioners again.

Zhong Dingbang, the Taiwanese Falun Gng practitioner,

who works in a technology company in Hsinchu, Taiwan,
went to China on Jun 15. He planned to return on June 18.
On the way back to Taiwan, police detained him in Ganzhou
Airport for his “assistance” in an investigation.

His family hasn’t seen him since.

On June 22, Zhong’s family held a press conference urging
Taiwan’s government to rescue Zhong.

Human Rights lawyer, Zhu Wanqi: “Mr. Zhong
is a law-abiding Falun Gong practitioner.
He didn’t commit any crime during his visit, but was arrested
by police in Ganzhou Airport on his way back to Taiwan.
Now police stated that Zhong had been handed
over to the 610 Office and is under surveillance.
Today, we held a press conference in Taiwan Legislature,
requesting the government make every effort to rescue
Zhong out of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) control.”

Taiwan Falun Gong Association listed 14 Taiwan
practitioners who have been detained in China.
The longest time any have been held in jail was practitioner
Cheng Xi, a bride from China.
In 2002, Cheng, while visiting her family in Shenzhen,
was illegally arrested and jailed for 4 years.
The officials who were involved in the detention of Cheng
were all promoted as reward.

In another case, activist lawyer Wei Liangyue in Harbin
was detained by local police. He was released after a month.
During his detention, he was sent to a re-education camp
to “study law,” a CCP brainwashing process.

Beijing lawyer Jiang Tianyong, “Certainly, this reeducation
is forceful.
As they don’t feel the need to tell detainees’ family members
their whereabouts, family members have no way to see them.
We know this is commonplace in China.

Local 610 Office and National Security Division played
a key role in the persecution.
What they have done is shameful and was against CCP’s
own law. In other words, they are violating their own law.”

Wei Liangyue’s wife, Du Yongjing, told Radio Free Asia
that her husband was sent to “re-education” for 27 days.
A secretary of PLAC told Wei he must promise
not to defend Falun Gong cases in the future.

Beijing lawyer Jiang Tianyong, “Now in China, with regard
to Falun Gong cases, it’s not because lawyers don’t want to help.
It’s due to threatening and severe interference.

During the investigation, secret police are sent, the 610 Office
threatens, there’s interference and lawyers are followed.
In addition, Judicature Bureau law society also puts
pressure on and suppresses you.
They suggest you give up (the case), and directly
tell you, ‘don’t do it’.
They warn you to be careful dealing with the case,
but actually, they don’t want you to handle it at all.
If you still carefully take the case, then they don’t let you
pass lawyers licenses’ inspection in the future as revenge.”

Zhang Erping, a Falun Gong spokesman, said that since 1999
the CCP has persecuted Falun Gong, and
lawyers who defended Falun Gong or tried to defend
Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted in different ways.

Zhang Erping, “Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is an obvious example.

He defended Falun Gong and was jailed, but no one knew
his whereabouts, and he was also brutally beaten.
Same with lawyers Tang Jitian, Teng Biao and other lawyers.

This manifests that there is no law system in China,
it is impossible to defend Falun Gong via law procedures.”

On June 20, Wei Jingsheng, Chairman of Overseas Chinese
Democracy Coaliton, commented in a European parliament human rights hearing.
He said that in recent years, China’s human rights worsened,
particularly the suppression towards human rights activists and lawyers.
Wei pointed out that lawyers were often jailed and their licenses
were often seized after they took “sensitive cases.”
