【禁闻】美中对话在即 人民币汇率仍为重点













Exchange Rate Still in Focus

Next week U.S.-China strategic economic dialogue
will be held in Washington D.C. and RMB
exchange rate is still in the focus. Geithner,
the U.S. Treasury Secretary hopes that RMB
appreciation will accelerate. Scholars believe
however, that the Chinese government
will not let go of the RMB exchange rate.

“US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue" led in its
3rd round by US Secretary of State and Geithner,
and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan, will work
on issues of bilateral relations development.

Geithner said recently that he would urge Chinese
officials to implement a series of economic reforms,
including introducing more flexible exchange rates
driven by market forces, and improving
U.S. companies investing environment.

Geithner also said the focus of this talk will be
the currency exchange rate of RMB to USD.
RMB appreciation is good to curb China’s inflation,
also it can prevent expanding of real estate bubble
in China. Chinese leaders also recognize this.

U.S. economist Ho Qinglian said RMB appreciation
can only curb foreign exchange reserves, reducing
domestic money deposited. Most likely it can inhibit
the export, but effect on price increases is limited.

Geithner acknowledged that since last June, China
has allowed the rate of RMB to USD to increase
by about 5%. U.S. congressmen and manufacturers
believe RMB value was down by as much as 40%,
making Chinese goods on markets very cheap.

Huang Yiping, an economist in China’s
Macroeconomic Research Centre in Peking Univ.
told Wall Street Journal that Chinese leaders still
tightly control RMB appreciation with 0.5% a month
on average. He believes that RMB could float freely
with conditions letting the market determine its level.
Central bankers agree with his views,
but senior leaders are in control of the decisions.

Why the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
top levels do not free the exchange rate?

Buddhist Hermitage, a politeconomy critic believes
the fundamental issue is that only CCP and China
out of all countries does not use free exchange rate
in international trades, causing trade imbalances
and disrupting global economic order.
The Chinese government demands every penny
earned overseas and then prints more money.
The government thus owns a large
foreign exchange reserve as a sovereign fund.

Buddhist Hermitage said, “From this we know how
China’s foreign exchange system exists. China
(CCP) is reluctant to free foreign exchange system,
unwilling to let the people hold foreign exchange.
CCP wants to use the money to maintain its rule,
related to its fate. On foreign exchange rate
China (CCP) is unwilling to compromise and tries
to find ways to maintain its political power."

Some people think RMB appreciation will greatly
affect China’s exports, so they go against it.
Huang Yiping said that to make export enterprises
have strong growth, one must learn to produce
higher value-added products, or move production
from the coastal area to mainland
where wage level is lower.
This is the approach to achieve continuous growth.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Zhou Ping.
