
The CCP’s disintegration is imminent, Call for a comprehensive collection of Its Criminal evidence 追查國際主席 汪志遠


【新唐人北京時間2020年07月16日訊】1999年7月20日以來,以原中共黨魁江澤民為首的中共犯罪集團操控整個國家機器,對上億法輪功信仰者進行群體滅絕性迫害,已經21年了,還在繼續。這場極其邪惡的迫害,一方面實行強制性的洗腦轉化,逼迫法輪功學員放棄對法輪大法的信仰,對拒絕放棄信仰者酷刑虐殺, 特別是活摘器官虐殺,其規模和邪惡程度都超過了人類的歷史記錄!另一方面,通過對法輪功的仇恨和妖魔化宣傳毒害全中國民眾。同時,中共還把迫害輸出到全世界,用各種手段迫使國際社會對迫害沉默,企圖摧毀人類的道德良知,使人類走向毀滅。

Since July 20, 1999, headed by former Chinese Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin, the CCP crime syndicate has been manipulating and controlling China’s entire state machine, including the Party, government, military, armed police, judicial system and medical institutions, to carry out mass extermination persecution of hundreds of millions of Falun Gong practitioners. It has been 20 years and it is still going on. On the one hand, the CCP has been carrying out forced brainwashing sessions to coerce Falun Gong practitioners to relinquish their faith, while torturing and murdering those who refuse to give up their beliefs, and even harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners on a massive scale. Its scope and degree of evilness exceed the record in mankind’s history! On the other hand, the CCP has been using hatred and demonization propaganda against Falun Gong to poison the minds of the entire Chinese population. At the same time, the CCP has also exported its persecution to the entire world, using economic pressure to force the international community to remain silent regarding the persecution. Its real purpose is to destroy mankind’s moral conscience, which in turn will lead to the destruction of humanity.


This is a national crime led by the CCP to destroy the moral conscience of all mankind. It is a mass genocide and crime against humanity!

1. 一、中共對法輪功學員的迫害是中共殺人歷史的延續

The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is a continuation of the CCP’s murderous history.


Since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, it has never stopped killing Chinese people. It is estimated that the CCP has caused about 80 million Chinese to die abnormally which is more than the sum of the death tolls of the two world wars.



The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners are a continuation of the decades-long persecution against Chinese people. According to minghui.com, through individuals who have been able to pass news through private channels 4,522 Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death until June 20, 2020. Every year, a large number of Falun Gong practitioners are framed and sentenced by the CCP regime. During the pandemic this year, the CCP still spared no effort in kidnapping and wrongfully convicting Falun Gong practitioners. 5,313 Falun Gong practitioners were illegally arrested and harassed, At least 38 Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted to death from January to June.


2019年12月26日至2020年1月15日,追查國際對中共空軍軍醫大學(第四軍醫大學) 附屬西京醫院腎移植科醫生跟蹤調查,通過多個角度,逐步深入,調查取證,獲得5個關於中共活摘器官的錄音證據。這些證據再次證實:中共活摘法輪功學員器官的罪行並沒停止,仍在繼續。


最後,調查員以追查國際的身分嚴正告誡其所犯的是反人類罪,將面臨著可悲的下場,勸其棄暗投明,配合調查,立功贖罪。他卻回之以,「中國就是一黨制,你不用跟我說這些。」 這也反映了,中共洗腦控制的邪惡程度,中共把人變成了魔鬼,把禮儀之邦的中國變成了地獄。


2. The CCP’s state crime of mass live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners continues.

From December 26, 2019 to January 15, 2020, WOIPFG conducted tracking investigation of kidney transplant doctors at Xijing Hospital affiliated to the Air Force Medical University of PLA (the Fourth Military Medical University). Through multiple angles and gradual in-depth investigation, WOIPG obtained 5 Recorded evidence about live organ harvesting by the CCP. These evidences once again confirmed that the crime of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners by the Communist Party of China has not stopped, and it continues.

In particular, the investigation on January 13 revealed the deep inside story of the CCP’s live harvesting of organs of Falun Gong practitioners, and exposed the CCP’s long-standing lies such as the use of organs of executed inmates and organ donations from citizens through the Red Cross Society of China to cover up the crime of organ harvesting of live Falun Gong practitioners. The subject of the investigation admitted bluntly: the donor organs that are actually used are of Falun Gong practitioners. And officially it’s said to the public that these are high-quality young organs without primary disease. The subject also claimed that as long as you are bold and when the donor (Falun Gong practitioners) arrives, as long as you dare to watch, I can lead you to the bedside for you to see, that is to have you see with your own eyes that the person is just in his/her twenties.

In the end, the investigator on behalf of WOIPFG solemnly warned the subject that he’s committed a crime against humanity, and will face a sad ending, persuading him to abandon the evil and choose the right side of history, cooperating with the investigation, to make amends for his crime. He replied, “China is under one-party rule, you don’t need to tell me all these." This also reflects the degree of evil of the CCP brainwashes and controls. The CCP has turned people into demons and has turned China, once a land of propriety, into hell.

During the world’s peaceful time, the CCP has harvested organs, killed people and made huge profits all over the country. The crime of killing people with such mass live organ harvesting began in 2000, which has continued for 20 years and is still ongoing today. Everyone, please think about it: how incredibly evil this is! What a horrible crime!



截至2020年7月1日,因參與迫害法輪功學員,本組織立案追查取證的涉嫌犯罪名單總計:責任單位26,117個,責任人88,483人。包括涉嫌活摘法輪功學器官的醫生9,519人,醫療單位891家,「610」系統11,682人, 政法委15,709人。

2004年7月10日,追查國際協調建立的 「全球監視追蹤系統」 ,分布於110多個國家主要城市的網絡系統,監視、追蹤定位在中國大陸參與迫害法輪功的中共各級黨政官員。與此同時,全球監視追蹤系統還負責追蹤收集迫害法輪功的主要罪犯,及其在海外的資產和家人逃匿的分布情況,以備用於將來經濟賠賞和對其家人協同犯罪的全方位追查,全面清算,讓邪惡無路可逃!

3. Justice is all encircling, persecutors of Falun Gong will not escape from justice

Since the establishment on January 20, 2003, the WOIPFG has comprehensively and systematically collected evidence and investigated the CCP’s persecution crimes of Falun Gong, and established the 「WOIPFG’s Investigation List」. Every day we constantly investigate, supplement and update.

As of July 1, 2020, WOIPFG has investigated, created files for and collected evidence about 26,117 institutions and 88,483 individuals who have allegedly participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Among them, there are 891 hospitals and 9,519 doctors who are suspected of having committed the crime of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, 11,682 individuals from the 「610 Office」 system, and 15,709 individuals from the Commission of Political and Legal Affairs.

The Global Monitoring and Tracking System established by WOIPFG on July 10, 2004, covers major cities in over 110 countries. It effectively monitors and tracks the Communist Party and government officials allegedly involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. At the same time, the System is responsible for tracking and collecting information on major persecutors of Falun Gong, including their overseas assets and their family members that have fled China. This is to prepare for future actions taken against the offenders, including asset freezing and reparation, and eventual legal actions against their family members who were complicit in their crimes. We shall continue to carry out our omnidirectional investigation of the evil perpetrators and leave them with no way to escape!







4. The CCP is already in an ocean of Anti-communism.

In mainland China, more than 350 million people have not feared the CCP’s power to declare a 「3- withdrawals」 and break away from the evil CCP.

Outside China, the CCP’s infiltration and threats throughout the world have caused shock and counterattack in the international community.

On June 17, 2019, the final verdict of the “Independent People’s Court" in London ruled that the CCP government undoubtedly committed crimes against humanity and torture for large-scale live organ harvesting of groups mainly composed of Falun Gong practitioners. From the legal perspective, the CCP regime was convicted. The court found that the Chinese government under the CCP was a criminal regime.

This year, because the CCP deliberately coverup of the epidemic of the CCP virus (Wuhan virus), it has turned into a pandemic spreading from Wuhan to China and the whole world, bringing an unprecedented catastrophe to all mankind, causing anger all over the world. After the Chinese Communist Party dragged Hong Kong into the darkest period in history last year, it has pushed the “Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" again this year, accelerating the process of world elimination of communism.

All these indicate that the time for the whole world to condemn the CCP’s persecution is now!





5. We call on the world to collect criminal evidence of the CCP to prepare for the big trial!

The largest scale final judgement in human history is about to begin! That is: a big trial regarding the CCP’s crime of genocide of Falun Gong!

In order to welcome the upcoming historic trial of humanity, WOIPFG appeals to all righteous people all over the world to take immediate action to comprehensively collect the list of perpetrators and criminal evidence of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, report to WOIPFG and provide evidence for the upcoming big trial! There is no time to delay! This is not only because these crimes must be punished, but also because it is to save the last moral conscience of mankind! We remind governments, organizations, and individuals from all walks of life to stand on the side of justice at this critical moment in history, to thoroughly hold the CCP accountable for crimes against humanity, and to bury the evil communism completely and forever on Earth.

The CCP is disintegrating and the elimination of communism is coming soon! The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is a crime of genocide and crime against humanity! It is more severe and hideous than all other crimes in human history. Moreover, the investigations and the pursuit of legal actions against the crime are a common jurisdiction of all mankind. They do not have retroactive time limits and national boundaries No matter whether it is the highest authority of the CCP or the executors, no pretext can be used as a reason for exemption. All participants will face moral and legal trials and must bear personal responsibility. The only way out is to break from the CCP, expose its evilness, in order to seek redemption. The tight encirclement to the criminals has been formed and has no loopholes. According to the heavenly principles, good and evil will eventually be repaid!


WOIPFG will continue to investigate, as always, the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise the fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society. This is our promise to God, and we will never give up.


World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

電話:347-448-5790; 傳真:347-402-1444;

郵址:P.O. Box 84,New York, NY, 10116 USA


網址:http://www.upholdjustice.org/, http://www.zhuichaguoji.org

