克羅埃西亞藝術奇才 捻鹽成畫

【新唐人2016年6月22日訊】(記者初霽綜合報導)克羅埃西亞籍藝術家迪諾•托米奇(Dino Tomic)平常通過鉛筆和紙等傳統的美術工具進行藝術創作,然而他最近創作的人物畫像和印度曼陀羅圖案作品,展現了藝術創新的魅力之處——這些出神入化的作品,是通過在巨大的黑色背景上撒創作而成的。

Horse made with SALT Im continuing my salt experimentation – and it really seems that you can do anything with salt – with some practice ( and many many years with art experience/ knowledge in the background hehe ) Lately i have been doing these gigantic salt mandalas on public places – was good to work alone in peace and quiet on a smaller scale again =) Like always i have filmed the whole process and will edit the video soon =) I know im writing always so much on most of my posts and i know not everyone is reading it ( those are the people who normally ask a question – wile the detailed answer is already provided in the description ) so lets see how many of you are reading what i write! Just for fun , write in the comment section your favorite vegetable haha ( that should really confuse all the non description readers ) XD

A photo posted by Dino Tomic (@dinotomic) on May 23, 2016 at 7:23am PDT


Inverted Salt heart The picture you see here is the “normal“ not inverted version of an heart done entirely with regular kitchen salt on a black carpet if you look at my profile and see the second post you can see the inverted version . The reverse colors effect shows what the original picture really is =) If you dont believe me find an app/ program and invert the image yourself and see what happens =) The main idea of this project will be visible in the video , once i finish editing it =) For the people complaining that i waste salt : for all the projects i have done until now i have used about 20 kg of salt ( and yes i reuse it as much as i can ) while we here in Norway use 238.000 tons of salt per year to defrost the roads ( i know its not the same fine processed salt i use / but salt nonetheless ) – im trying to say there is no shortage of salt in the world , and im not trying to wasting it – so try not the be a hater =)

A photo posted by Dino Tomic (@dinotomic) on Jun 12, 2016 at 7:54am PDT



Large Salt mandala 25 hours of work Different angle than i previously posted and as promised here is the school assignment im doing : Through my research of mandala design, I noticed that symmetry was the one thing that absolutely every mandala I came across had in common. The smaller salt projects I did prior to this project were also symmetrical. They were done without much research, and were created intuitively.. Even though it came naturally to work with symmetry on the smaller projects, I did the necessary research and planning for this large project so that it the composition would stays balanced on this grand scale. In a design like this symmetry is incredibly important. Humans have such a strong preference for symmetrical designs that symmetry might be a signal of something positive and good. Good things are often represented through symmetry while asymmetrical things represent chaos / bad things Creating symmetry is not simple task; calculation and precision is a must. Calculating how many patterns it would take to make a whole and how many lines would be just enough so that the design looks stable is not as easy as it sounds. The trick I used was to focus mainly on primary/key elements and try to make them look as precise as possible (the first tier group). Those were the main shapes/ biggest circles and longest lines in the design. While the secondary elements are not as important (second tier ), these are the fill elements: like smaller decorative images, simpler shadows and overall aesthetic shapes and patterns. Exploration study is used to give us understanding and insight on an unclear problem I have been exploring new and fascinating ways of using salt as a medium. You can almost say that this medium is unforgiving, because if you make a mistake it is a lot of work to fix or recover from it. There are countless things that can go wrong. Like a small gust of wind or just someone tripping over the project and ruining it. – the whole paper is 3500 words – instagrm is limited to 500( if you want to read the whole paper go to my Facebook page : atomic circus ) 🙂

A photo posted by Dino Tomic (@dinotomic) on Jun 14, 2016 at 7:11am PDT



