【禁聞】上海踩踏 事故成事件 問責變卸責





時事評論員 伍凡:「他們把這些重大的事故,想盡一切辦法輕描淡寫。首先,現在就把它統一口徑,改成一個『事件』了,不是『事故』了。這『事件』就是自然發生的事情,跟我共產黨政權管理好不好沒關係。把它推責,是你們自己願意去的,不是我安排你們去的。就把政府,共產黨政權的責任儘可能降低。」











另據《美聯社》6號的報導,目前中國罹難者家屬被隔離,電話也疑似遭到監控,各家家屬分別由政府人員陪同,不讓他們接受媒體採訪。而21歲的罹難馬來西亞女孩陳蔚的父親(Tan Ching Hin)透露,在女兒遺體被交給他之前,他最初被要求籤署一份死亡證書,並同意免除政府對他女兒死亡的責任。

採訪/易如 編輯/尚燕

The CCP’s Shanghai Stampede Tricks: “Incident" versus “Accident"; “Being Held Responsible" Versus “Holding Others Responsible"

One week has passed since the stampede tragedy occured
at the Bund in Shanghai on New Year Eve.

The city’s party secretary Han Zheng said accountability
must be taken with regards to the “incident".

However, this suggests the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
has defined the accident as an “incident", not an “accident".

The CCP also officially announced that the “incident"
would not be subject to accountability system for
“seriously significant accidents".

Many Chinese civilians thus commented that the party was
shirking, rather than taking responsibility for the accident.

A China Youth Daily report on Jan. 8 quoted Han Zheng,
the CCP’s Shanghai secretary.

Han said he felt “distressed" about the Stampede “incident",
and those responsible individuals would be punished
by law based on the findings of the investigation.

Han Zheng’s statement soon became a hot topic
among the public.

This is partially because what Han said verifies a Caixin
report on the previous day, which said “the CCP will
officially play down the stampede in the media."

The Caixin (caixin.com) report quoted an anonymous official
from Huangpu District of Shanghai.

The official revealed that her department had received
orders of using “incident" instead of “accident"
when talking about the stampede.

The order said that any official comment should claim,
“the incident resulted from spontaneous pushing
and squeezing of the crowds."

Wu Fan, political commentator: “They (the CCP) always try
their best to play down serious accidents like this.

As we see, now it calls the stampede ‘an incident’,
rather than ‘an accident’.

An incident can take place naturally, and thus has nothing
to do with the CCP administration.

This clearly negates responsibility by saying ‘people
gathered by themselves, not by the government’.

So such a statement serves to shirk responsibility
from the CCP regime as much as possible."

Another reason that Han’s statement became hot
is that Shanghai government was previously
regarded as the responsible party.

If Han Zheng put himself in a position of holding others
accountable for the accident, then who is his target?

Mr. Yin, Shanghai resident: “He (Han Zheng) should hold
himself or his public security bureau chief accountable
for the accident.

He is indeed the one that is most responsible,
as well as the mayor.
They should be held accountable.

What he said is sheer hypocrisy, suggesting that
he is looking for scapegoats among his inferiors.

But this time he may not be able to escape,
as this is a really bad accident."

Many Chinese netizens also criticized Han Zheng on Weibo.
Some said, “Won’t you flush with same when saying this?"

“Whom are you going to hold accountable?
Where is your responsibility?"

Some others said, “Both the mayor and the party
secretary should resign."

Currently, the CCP has not made final conclusions
about the cause of the stampede.

Besides using the term “incident" instead of “accident",
the party has not officially included the stampede as a case
being directly investigated by the Supreme Procuratorate.

Neither was the state-level investigation team
sent to Shanghai.

According to CCP tradition, accidents with more than
30 deaths are defined as “seriously significant accidents".

Such cases are usually investigated by a special team
from the State Council.

However, the stampede in Shanghai is still under
investigation by local teams.

The CCP’s Supreme Procuratorate said they were currently
supervising investigation of four serious accidents.
But Shanghai Stampede is not included.

Chinese media claimed that the stampede was a
“public safety incident at a spontaneous gathering".

There was neither an “organizer of manufacturing"
nor an “organizer of activities".

Therefore the stampede should not be categorized
as “safety accident in production", and is not subject
to accountability system for “seriously
significant accidents".

Mr. Yin: “The municipal government is responsible for sure.

It’s true that the activities were not official, but there were
huge crowds during every holiday at the Bund.

The government should at least have some guidance
over the crowd, but there is nothing like this.

So the government cannot escape its responsibility
for the stampede."

Political commentator Wu Fan said the way that the CCP
is coping with the stampede must result from negotiation
between Shanghai and Beijing.

Wu Fan: “Why do they respond to the stampede this way?
The key reason is the Communist Party never does good
things no matter which faction they belong to.

Ordinary people criticize the CCP as a whole, saying
the party does not care about their lives.

Civilians died like ants in crush and nobody is held responsible.
So the CCP responds by saying it’s not their fault.

‘You did that spontaneously and that’s not my fault’.
So the party is shifting all responsibility to ordinary people."

The Associated Press reported on Jan. 6 that the families
of victims had been kept apart.
Their calls are also suspected of being monitored.

Government officers also guard the families
to prevent them from receiving media interviews.

Tan Ching Hin, father of a 21-year-old Malaysian victim,
Tan Wei, said before retrieving his daughter’s body that
he was asked to “sign a death certificate and agree
to absolve the government of any wrongdoing
in his daughter’s death".

Interview/YiRu Edit/ShangYan
