





中共四中全會公告 未提周永康



評:中共四中全會 法制全面倒退




香港獅子山現巨幅標語 撐佔領




Liang Guanglie Confirmed – CCP Central Military Participate
Live Organ Harvesting

At the same time as the CCP Fourth Plenary Session, World
Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
(WOIPFG) released a new survey report on October 22nd.

The report says, WOIPFG investigated crimes of the CCP former
Defense Minister Liang Guanglie,
former politburo’s standing committee Zeng Qinghong and Vice chairman of the Central Military Commission Guo Boxiong,
regarding the CCP’s organ harvesting from living Falun Gong
practitioners over the phone.

In a telephone recording, former Defense Minister Liang Guanglie personally admitted that:
the CPC Central Military Commission held discussions about
procuring detained Falun Gong practitioners for the military,
and the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners
in military hospitals.
He told the investigators to get details from the Army General
Logistics Department.

The former vice chairman of the CCP Central Military
Commission Guo Boxiong stressed for talks in detail through
a confidential telephone.

Former vice chairman and the CCP Politburo Standing
Committee Zeng Qinghong also stressed to get inside through
normal channel.

Despotic Fourth Plenary Gets Cold Feet on Zhou Yongkang

October 23, 18th CCP Fourth Plenary Session closed.

The Session announced the Central major decisions on their
despotic rule of law; but didn’t mention Zhou Yongkang
which surprised outsiders.

Prior to this, foreign media generally agreed that at the Fourth
Plenary Session, a decision would be announced in the
Zhou Yongkang case, and confirm his expulsion from the party.

However, British Reuters reported that the Zhou Yongkang
case is likely to be announce at The Central Discipline
Inspection Committee meeting on October 25th.

Comments: CCP Fourth Plenary Session is a Comprehensive
Legal Setback

The announcement of the meeting disappointed all walks of life
regarding the CCP’s high-profile publicity “to comprehensively
promote the rule of law".

June 4th participant, former Tsinghua student Li Hengqing
commented online that the 18th Fourth Plenary Session
is the full backset of China’s legal system."

He said, originally, he thought the CCP were just marking time,
nothing new.
Unexpectedly, the CCP Fourth Plenary announcement
comprehensively threw out the past view of: “locking the
powers in a cage" and “Communist Party must abide by the
They just callously decided to rule everything without any
reservations or checks.

A Huge Banner on Hong Kong Lion Mountain Supports

It has been 26 days since the struggle begun for genuine universal suffrage by Hong Kong students and the public.
October 23, a group of climbers called, Hong Kong Spiders
hung a 28 meters long and 6 meters wide giant banner writing:
“I want genuine universal suffrage” in support of the occupation
on the Lion Mountain which symbolized the Hong Kong spirit.
You can see the slogan in Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sin region.

These climbers also published a video on youtube called:

“Lion Mountain hold up an umbrella for basic rights"
to call on people to make the movement everywhere in their
own way.

They want people to jointly request the Hong Kong Government
to seriously respond to the Hong Kong people’s appeal and
request universal suffrage from the CCP, fearlessly.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
