






美中不足的是,委員會職員說,辭職需要書面通知(這點合理),但竟然要「address 俾 Chief Executive (姓梁那位)」 。這幾天,我心中有很多說話對他講,但我畢竟自命是個講粗口會有少少面紅的迂腐讀書人,你教我該甚樣寫?




Dear Mr Leung,

First of all, I am writing to — wait, did I just call you “Dear” and “Mr”? Sorry, I take that back. You don’t deserve that. And sorry, I didn’t mean I am sorry at all. You don’t deserve that either.

Until this past weekend, I have happily served on the Panel. I have learned a lot, and been pleased with my tiny, meager contribution to my fellow Hong Kongers. I never liked you, but I consider it my civic duty to serve.

Congratulations. You have yet again confirmed many’s suspicion about you as a person, and crushed any lingering hope for some who once thought you were one of us.

Keeping stability and prosperity in Hong Kong was the dream of my parents’ and grandparents’ generations. You have waved goodbye to that on our behalf. Thank you.

Your ordering of disproportionate violence to unarmed and largely peaceful demonstrators left me with no option but resign from the Panel.

One has to wonder: why are you doing all these? Haven’t you proven enough that you are (1) incompetent as the CE of Hong Kong, (2) a liar [this came from Henry Tang, not me], and (3) simply a mean, mean person? Where do you think you are heading next in your career? Beijing? Or the Hague?

Ultimately, if this is all beyond your control, that you are just following order from the Liaison Office or Beijing, fine. I have a tiny bit more sympathy. But at least you can do what I have just done. Resign. It doesn’t solve all the problems, but it will give all of us Hong Kongers a reason to have a drink.

Yours sincerely,

J.W. Yiu

P.S. 或者你會問:何以咁扮野用英文寫?其實有幾個理由:


2)My father occasionally reads my writing. He wouldn’t like what I have written. Thankfully his English is rather limited.(這句要用英文,不解釋)


P.P.S. 對不起,明顯這是遊戲文章。我說過我是窩囊中產,真的辭職信,只有一句。反正那人自上任後,連扮聽民意也不扮了,又正如讀者留言說,認真寫也是浪費時間。

