【禁聞】徐才厚招了 與郭伯雄建攻守同盟


香港最新一期《爭鳴》雜誌撰文披露,徐才厚在6月30號被開除黨籍接受調查後,交代了許多涉及郭伯雄的問題, 其中經濟違法部分主要是涉及買官、賣官,因中共軍隊實行雙首長制度,晉升將軍階,一定要兩人共同簽字同意,方能過關,所以郭伯雄也沾了大量錢財的光。














採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

Xu Caihou Confessed to Military Alliance With Guo Boxiong

After the downfall of former Communist Party leader Jiang
Zemin’s favorite military officer Xu Caihou, former deputy
chair of the party’s Central Military Commission,

Hong Kong media say that Jiang’s other military pawn Guo
Boxiong, who held the same position as Xu, was also detained.
The reports say that after Xu was detained by the Central
Discipline Inspection Commission (CDIC) he revealed many
details about Guo; including how he wanted to establish
a military alliance with Xu.

Hong Kong-based Chengming magazine recently published an
article saying that Xu confessed to many issues involving Guo
after Xu was expelled from the party on June 30.

The illegal economic issues involved buying
and selling of government positions.
The dual head system in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s
military put the two of them in charge of handling promotions.
So Guo used this to make a lot of money.

Xu confessed that he and Guo already knew
he would be investigated.
To avoid downfall, Guo visited Xu at the 301 military hospital
four times since late September last year until this February
to disclose the confidential information about Xu’s investigation.

Meanwhile, he also overtly or covertly requested to establish
a military alliance with Xu to protect their interests.
Guo hinted at Xu repeatedly to end the problem; otherwise
there might be more and more people implicated.
He promised to use his power to help Xu get disciplinary
action from within the Party or military.

Reports say that Guo already knew of Xu crimes,
and was guilty of the same crimes himself,
and so, to avoid being implicated, he had an investigation done
on himself so as to clear his name as soon as possible.
However, Xu’s confession dealt Guo a fatal blow.

Current affairs commentator Lin Zixu says that the reason Xu
exposed Guo is to clear his own name and find a scapegoat.

Lin Zixu: There’s no honor to speak of among CCP officials.

They join together for drinks, gambling, and corruption, but
once in trouble, the falling ones will try to pull the others
down too, and the ones at ease try to add insult to injury.

Xu and Guo are both Jiang’s pawns;
and they definitely did lot of bad things together.
To protect himself and avoid justice for his crimes, Xu may
do anything to find a scapegoat, and Guo is the ideal target."

Chengming magazine revealed that in Beidaihe on Aug. 12,
CCP officials from the political, disciplinary and organization
departments announced an agreement to investigate Guo
which has been signed by the Central Military Commission,
the CCP and the CDIC.

On the same afternoon, Guo was sent to Beijing and detained
at the second nursing home in the Central Guard Bureau.

Later, Guo said he owns over 60 million yuan ($9.76 million)
in real estate across China and 12 bank accounts
with 87 million yuan deposits.

He had also accumulated 12 pistols and more than 100 bullets.

On Aug. 31, a netizen posted online that Guo’s son, Zhejiang
Military Political Department director Guo Zhenggang,
and his wife were taken away for investigation.

The post said Guo Boxiong got rich with Xu, and in 2010
Guo’s property was worth over ten billion yuan ($1.62 billion).

Senior China legal expert Zhao Yuanming says Xu and Guo
are military agents for Jiang; their crimes are not as simple
as the run-of-the-mill corruption and bribery.

Zhao Yuanming: “In the military, one of the two men is
the northeastern tiger; the other is northwestern wolf.
It means they commit all kinds of evils in the military
to cement their own power.
Anyone who wants to get a promotion has to pay them for it
including purchasing the position title.
So their military partisan forces are everywhere in China."

Zhao says they relied on their military positions for power.

So during the ten years’ of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s term,
Hu and Wen basically had no power.
Meanwhile, Xu and Guo also drew Zhou Yongkang and Bo
Xilai into their coup, were involved in the crime of harvesting
organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, and so on.

Lin analyzes that Xi Jinping might take faster
and faster action after Xu and Guo’s downfall,
and large scale cleanup operations similar to the takedown of
the Gang of Four may appear at senior levels inside the party.

Lin Zixu: “Xi has to clean up his political opponents as soon
as possible because the current Chinese society is full of crises.
Otherwise, once a big problem occurs, such as economic and
financial turmoil; Jiang’s faction might make a come back. “

Lin says Xu and Guo are only small actors.

Currently, many people are more concerned
with how to deal with Jiang.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Chen jianming
