【禁聞】四條標語顛覆承諾 揭穿養老騙局


1980年,中國開始執行一對夫婦只生育一胎的計生政策。在大陸論壇上現在流傳著四條標語,包括:上世紀80年代的計生標語是﹕「計劃生育好,政府給養老」﹔90年代變成了:「計劃生育好,政府幫養老」;2000年代則是:「養老不能靠政府」,到了2012年,政府號稱:「推遲退休好,自己來養老 」。









採訪/田淨 編輯/李靜 後製/蕭宇

Chinese Authorities Have Repeatedly Broken Promises Over Retirement Income Provision

China’s one-child policy, dictated by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), has resulted in an issue of lack
of income provision for the elderly.
The issue has become one of the most serious
challenges for the government today.
Recently, four CCP slogans on advocating birth control, and
retirement income provision have been seen widely on the net.
These slogans have proved that in over 30 years,
the CCP has repeatedly broken its previous promises.
The authorities have shirked their responsibilities
toward the provision of retirement pensions.

In 1980, China began to implement a
birth control policy of “One child per family”.
The following are four slogans that were widely used
by the CCP during the eighties.
In the 1980s, the slogan was: “Birth control is good,
the government will pay pensions.”
In the 1990s, it became: “Birth control is good,
the government subsidizes pensions.”
In the 2000s, it was “Pensioners cannot live off the government.”

In 2012, “Postponing retirement is good,
so as to be sure of earning your pension.”

(Independent commentator) Li Shanjian: “As time goes by,
the truth will gradually be exposed to the public.
The CCP’s slogans have kept on changing.

It just propagated irresponsibly, fooling the public with the
illusion of a blissful future that beckoned.”

Yi Fuxian, China’s expert in demography,
suggested from studying census data, that
China’s members of the one-child generation
have by now easily reached 218 million.
The census data in 2000 showed that in this group,
over 10 million would die before the age of 25.
That means 20 million one-child parents
would face childless lives.

Over the years, China has seen low fertility,
and a growing ageing problem.
China’s media has quoted Zhu Yong, deputy director of
office of National Committee on Ageing.
Zhu said that in 2013, the number of elderly in China
will exceed 200 million, for the first time.
The one-million annual growth in the ageing population
will continue until 2025.

(Expert in China issues) Gong Shengli:
“What’s the problem facing the elderly in China now?
They face insufficient subsistence allowances to live by.

The urban population has been covered
in the public pension system.
Whilst among the rural residents, only the richest
can afford pension contributions.
Now China’s biggest problem is, that about half of
the rural population face a life without pensions.
Their lands have been seized, and their houses demolished.”

Li Shanjian says, China cannot now escape a disaster
that is caused by the increase in numbers of elderly citizens.
How have the CCP authorities dealt with
this huge problem created by themselves?

In August 2012, Wu Yushao, deputy director of the
office of the National Committee on Ageing, said that
the CCP shall partially, instead of fully,
cover retirement pension provision.

In April, Dai Xianglong, the Party chief of the
National Council for the Social Security Fund, alleged
that China’s pension fund cannot make ends meet.

Dai proposed rising the retirement age to 65,
in order to delay taking pensions.

A research report predicts that China’s pension shortfall
will reach 18.3 trillion yuan in 2013.
China’s full-year fiscal revenue is about 10 trillion yuan.

In December 2012, an official report on the pension fund
stated that in 2011, a total shortfall of personal pension accounts hit 2.2 trillion yuan.
