【禁聞】中共促農民增收 被指玩文字遊戲













採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/周天

CCP Regime Claiming to Boost Farmers’ Income

For decades, Chinese farmers have been
living in hardship at a low social status.
Moreover, they are deprived of land and other resources
by rampant officials grabbing land, and forced demolitions.
This has forced many more farmers to stand up to protect
their own interests and rights, joining surging mass protests.
Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities
alleged to act to increase farmers’ income in the near future.
The claim has aroused questions from the public, as they
think it is word games that the CCP plays to fool civilians.

On December 21 and 22, a CCP Central Rural
Work Conference was held in Beijing, which
spoke about the weakest part of China’s economy.

These are a lagging agricultural modernization, large gap
between urban-rural development and residential income.
The meeting said that in the near future, the CCP
authorities will increase investment into agriculture,
rationalize agricultural products prices, and
continuously increase agricultural subsidies.
The meeting claimed to put an emphasis on boosting
farmers’income, so as to keep pace with, and even exceed urban residents’ income.

Liu Feiyue, Director of Civil Rights &Livelihood Watch:
“It sounds very appealing, but it’s not the first time
that we’ve heard such nice words.
Previously, there have appeared
many similar official talks or policies.”

Liu Feiyue, Director of msguancha.com, says that
this is an official attempt to appease public sentiment.
Liu reveals that he was previously a teacher.

A few years ago in an official document, the
CCP authorities promised that teachers’
salaries shall not be less than civil servants’.

Liu Feiyue: “But over the past few years, the
reality has shown that the salary gap between
teachers and civil servants are widening.
So such a promise to farmers is questionable.”

China’s netizens also questioned the regime’s talk.

A netizen posted that the authorities
are “playing with words again.”
Another calculated that an urban resident’s pension is
2,000 yuan a month, and a 10% increase is 200 yuan.
A farmer’s pension is 50 yuan, so
that’s 7.50 yuan for a 15% increase.
He asked, if this mean farmers’ income
overtakes that of urban residents?

A netizen questioned if they are talking about growth, or are
they bullying, as farmers don’t know how to calculate figures?

Guo Yongfeng, founder of Chinese Citizen Watchdog,
says the CCP authorities’ claim is essentially meaningless.

Guo Yongfeng: “Under the existing political
system, only very few people can make money.
Isn’t it protecting the interests of
a handful of rich and powerful people?
It won’t let the vast majority of the
people get rich, it’s impossible.
All resources and wealth are monopolized by them.
That’s merely empty talk, used to fool the general public.”

Guo Yongfeng views the CCP’s
claim as “feeding on illusions”.
He explains that nowadays Chinese
farmers have no access to education.
So it’s highly unlikely for them to change
their fate as being the grassroots group.

Guo Yongfeng: “They have no access to education, so they
have nowhere to learn basic skills, knowledge or technology.
Then they cannot find a good job, and thus have to stay and
work at the bottom of society, but with very meager income.”

China’s media reported that attendees of this
Central Rural Work Conference included members
of the CCP Central Rural Work Leading Group.

It also included Party chiefs and governors from
provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities
and cities specifically designated in the state plan.

Ma Kai, the 18th CCP Politburo member,
chaired the first plenary session.
