



《人民監督網》長期受到中國最大搜索引擎「百度」的封鎖和屏蔽。 11月28號凌晨曾經被「百度」解禁,一度讓然朱瑞峰驚喜,併進一步呼籲習近平下令關閉耗資數千億元的網絡防火牆。但12月1號他發推特表示,從下午開始,「百度」又重新對《人民監督網》進行了封鎖和屏蔽。






時事評論員張正﹕「封, 就是說把一些信息封鎖起來。不封的呢,把這些信息放出來,讓大家能夠從當中得到一些信息,再下一步他怎麼做。所以根本上來講,這都是為了他們內部的一個權勢的爭奪,所以這個東西,不能看重。」




採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/王明宇

People’s Supervision Network Is Blocked Again

Reporter Zhu Ruifeng, the founder of people’s supervision

network, is at the frontline of different Party forces due to

the exposure of an indecent video involving

Chongqing Beibei District Party Secretary Rei Zheng Fu.

The People’s Supervision Network was closed and

later the ban was lifted.

Now it has been blocked again.

Please read this report to find out why.

Currently, when searching for People’s Supervision Network

on the Chinese Baidu, the following text is displayed:

“According to the relevant laws, regulations and policies,

some search results are not displayed."

Results of other engine searches have been the same;

it mentioned nothing of Zhu Ruifeng’s website.

If one adds Zhu Ruifeng to the search,

one can read the blogs and forum posts.

If one searches with Chinese Google,

the first line will be the People’s Supervision Network.

People’s Supervision Network has long been blocked

by Baidu, China’s largest search engine.

On November 28, when Baidu lifted the ban,

Zhu Ruifeng was very surprised.

He further called on Xi Jinping to close the network firewall

which costs China billions of dollars.

On Dec. 1st, when he issued a blog on “twitter",

Baidu again blocked his network.

The People’s Supervision Network founder Zhu Ruifeng:

“The blockade comes from the corrupt local officials.

They ran to Beijing, spent a little money,

and secretly blocked it.

Because I have reported more than 100 corrupt officials,

it has now reached a few dozens at the city level.

They are very afraid of my website being re-opened and

exposing their corruption scandals.”

Not only is his website under surveillance, Zhu Ruifeng

is also in the maelstrom of the various forces struggle.

He received death threats from

Rei’s supporting forces in Beijing.

On one hand, someone has hinted that a member of the

crrent Politburo Standing Committee wants to protect him.

On the other hand, recently, many articles

have appeared online to discredit him.

Some even said that Chongqing officials

have begun to fix his “news informers".

Zhu Ruifeng: “Recently, they sent many people to insult

me online. My news informers are missing.

We learned that the Chongqing Municipal Public Security

Bureau sent police to set up provincial surveillance.

They want to catch the news informers and prevent them from

giving me information. The authorities are frightened.

A Chongqing Public Security Bureau police officer called me

anonymously and said that his relatives have been intimidated."

Zhu Ruifeng thinks this shows the new leaders want to be

practical, but corrupt officials desperately try to evade and resist.

Since the 18th Congress, various factions within the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) have leaked different information.

The chaos has lasted until now.

Zhang Zheng, political commentator, believes the mess we see

now comes from the infighting for power of various factions.

Political commentator Zhang Zheng: “So some information

has been blocked and some released,

We can get some of information and learn their next steps.

Basically, we should not pay too much attention to these

messages. It all results from their fighting for power.”

Zhang thinks we cannot depend on their infighting

to save China.

It has been clearly indicated from the selection of

new party leaders during the 18th Congress that

the most important purpose of the leadership handover

is to consolidate power.

Zhang Zheng: “Originally, Wang Yang wanted to reform,

but was not selected even as a Standing Committee member.

However, Liu Yunshan entered the Standing Committee, why?

That is because the CCP wants someone like him.

Thus, sometimes, it shines a little bit of humanity.

But, it does not represent anything significant.

Only after the CCP has disintegrated, would there be hope

for China and the Chinese people.”

The reformists were totally defeated during the

18th Congress. The leading figure was Wen Jiabao.

When Wen visited Thailand, he didn’t speak of

political reform. He asked people to forget him.

What the outside world wonders is how long will Xi-Li

with five conservative older committee members last under the balance of power and anti-corruption reform?
