【禁聞】港四萬人上街反洗腦 學生接力絕食

















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Hong Kong Students Go on with Hunger Strike against CCP Brainwashing

Following the protest by 90,000 people on July 29 urging

Hong Kong government to withdraw the “national education"

program, on September 1, more than 40,000 people held a rally

against HK Government, which assists the Communist regime’s educational brainwashing plan.

HK students also began a hunger strike on August 31.

To date, HK government has no plan to revoke the National Education plan.

Spokesman of the alliance of activists against the

national education program, Shen Weinan says,

“We will not leave as long as the Government does not

withdraw the program. I think this is a very strong signal."

September 1, Hong Kong’s alliance of activists against

the national education program, conducted a rally at Tamar Park calling to “guard the children with conscience”.

More than 40,000 people attended the rally,

many of whom were parents and children.

Organizers stressed that if the authorities do not withdraw

the brainwashing program, they will upgrade the action and carry out the students strike.

Last May, the Hong Kong government listed the “moral

and national education" as mandatory in elementary and

secondary schools, as well as required implementation

of the subject in three years.

National education guidelines published by the National

Education Services Center of Hong Kong includes pro-communist content and ignores scandals of the regime.

This “national education" guideline immediately caused

waves of protests by the people of Hong Kong.

August 30, Scholarism, an organization composed of

Hong Kong secondary students, and many other students,

gathered in front of Government Secretariat and set up the

protest carnival to “occupy the government headquarters.”

Three members of Scholarism started a hunger strike to ask

Hong Kong to withdraw the “national education" lessons.

Hong Kong writer Zhang Cheng-Jue: “The hunger strike

students are full of passion and a sense of justice for the youths.

They say no to the Beijing regime, to the brainwashing

practices of the power with their actions. This is very exciting."

The protest at the government headquarters continues

on September 2,

as 10 more university students and teachers went on the hunger

strike when the 3 high school students ended their hunger strike.

Hu Jia is a Beijing activist who joined the

1989 student movement at age of 15.

He shares his deepest appreciation of this protest.

He believes Hong Kong students are capable of independent

judgment, and as citizens, they have the right to take such action to pressure the government.

In 2006, Beijing human rights activist Hu Jia was arrested

for joining a hunger strike with Chinese lawyer Gao Zhisheng.

During the imprisonment, Hu Jia went on hunger strike

for 30 days. He is well aware of the pain of hunger strike.

Hu Jia: “When three high school students ended the hunger

strike, I was very pleased to see that some college students continued the relay.

I really hope that this hunger strike will go on until the Hong

Kong Government revokes the national education lessons."

Fang Zheng, a June 4 pro-democracy activist, indicates that

the concept of democracy and freedom inherited in Hong Kong has a great influence on the mainland.

Every year, a number of mainlanders come to Hong Kong

to participate in the candlelight vigil commemorating victims of the June 4 massacre.

Pro-democracy activist Fang Zheng: “The presence of Hong

Kong has been the biggest threat to the authoritarian Communist regime.

The CCP has fear and thus engages the National Education

brainwashing program. This is a battle, a very important expedition for freedom."

Fang Zheng stresses that the communist regime has totally

lost its popularity with the people.

The brainwashing plan in Hong Kong will only meet with

a stronger rebound and end in failure.

In 2003, Hong Kong security law, i.e.,

the Basic Law Article 23,

was suggested to comply with the communist regime

decree to suppress democracy and freedom in Hong Kong, but met with strong opposition.

July 1, 2003, more than 500,000 Hong Kong people took

to the streets to protest against the Article 23 legislation.

Finally, the HK Government was forced to make

concessions and announced the shelving of Article 23.
