【禁聞】德媒:13年後 北京依然害怕法輪功















採訪編輯/常春 後製/黎安安

German Media: Beijing Regime is Afraid of Falun Gong after 13 Years ´Persecution

Deutsche Welle, the German media outlet, reported that

Falun Gong is still vibrant through an ongoing persecution

that has lasted 13 years, and the Beijing regime

who persecutes is still afraid of Falun Gong.

Analyst pointed out that the reason why the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) is afraid of Falun Gong is because Falun Gong is completely non-violent.

Falun Gong practitioners use the principles

of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to protest.

This force can be treated as “God´s Power.”

The CCP has persecuted Falun Gong for 13 years,

and Jiang Zemin´s order to abolish Falun Gong

in 3 months completely failed.

In the last 13 years, Falun Gong hasn´t be eliminated, it has

spread to more than one hundred countries around the world.

Deutsche Welle cited a report from Le Monde regarding

the Beijing Regime´s crackdown of Falun Gong, which began in July 1999.

Over the last 13 years, the CCP has arrested Falun Gong

activists, sentenced them to long-term imprisonment, and forced them to renounce their faith.

Many Falun Gong practitioners who disappeared

were sent to labor camps.

In China, no other phrase is considered more belittled

and is banned more widely than Falun Gong.

However, after the 13-year persecution, Falun Gong is still

vibrant and the Beijing Regime is still afraid of Falun Gong.

Wang Beiji, a current affairs commentator, told NTD that

in ruling the country, CCP abolished its senior officials

and dissidents like those of the June 4th massacre easily

whenever it wanted.

However Falun Gong hasn』t been abolished,

but continuously gains strength.

Wang Beiji: “In 1999 when the CCP started to persecute

Falun Gong, its suppression system failed.

Falun Gong group is non-violent to anti-persecution.

Falun Gong group doesn´t believe in “a tooth for a tooth,”

does not assassinate, nor kidnap.

The group doesn´t attack the CCP´s government buildings

or military facilities.

The group is completely non-violence and uncooperative.

During the whole process, the group displays Truthfulness,

Compassion and Forbearance, which is a force that can be called God´s power.”

Furthermore, Wang Beiji thanks Falun Gong practitioners

for founding websites and media.

Wang supports dongtaiwang.com, which helped him gain

information about Falun Gong,

and other sites that helped him understand the nature

of the CCP when he was in China;

the media allows him to know the truth of the big events

that happened all around the world in a timely manner.

Since living overseas this past year, Wang Beijing contacted

Falun Gong practitioners.

He saw that under the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners

help each other and formed a solid group.

They keep on unveiling the truth of the persecution.

Wang Beiji: “The great thing is that even as they are

being persecuted, Falun Gong practitioners help

the Chinese who live in Mainland China who had been

brainwashed by the CCP to get the true news,

to have the chance to read “Nine Comments on CCP”

and to have the chance to quit CCP.

(With Falun Gong practitioners´ help,) Chinese can get true

information and quit CCP when they travel in Hong Kong, US, and Europe.”

An action that moves Wang Beiji is Falun Gong promoting

the traditional culture, especially the Shen Yun show.

When he saw the Shen Yun performance,

his heart was shocked.

He said Shen Yun is an orthodox show that he hadn´t seen

the likes of for decades.

Xia Xiaoqiang, another current affair´s commentator,

pointed out that CCP uses the nation´s resources

and economic instruments to stress to the international

community and media to ignore the “persecution on Falun Gong.”

Over the years, the international mainstream media

merely reported this severe persecution.

Xia Xiaoqiang said that since 2012, international mainstream

media began paying attention to Falun Gong,

and more and more mainstream media reported

the news of the persecution of Falun Gong.

He thinks this is related to the CCP being unable to maintain

its ruling power and its heading towards collapse.

Xia Xiaoqiang: ”The CCP´s 13-year persecution of Falun Gong

wasted a huge amount of resources and money,

enormous human forces, finances, and materials,

which has caused the Chinese economy to collapse.

All the methods that the CCP used in the persecution

of Falun Gong are illegal.

It』s a major setback of the Chinese legal system, and cut off

the possibility of China developing into a lawful community.

The CCP persecution of Truthfulness, Compassion

and Forbearance made the Chinese social moral system slide far downhill.

This is one of the reasons why Chinese society

is in such turmoil.”

Xia Xiaoqiang said CCP´s persecution of Falun Gong over

the last 13 years helped the spread of Falun Gong throughout the world, as well as aided in the collapse of the CCP itself.
