








2.胡佳被傳喚 警方戒探望陳光誠家人





而目前在美國的陳光誠計劃將他的經歷著書出版,陳光誠的發言人多夫(Matt Dorf)日前表示,陳光誠寫書的目地在於傳播中國需要更多自由,他也希望為人權組織籌款。

3.成都祭旺陽 當局未騷擾 家人仍失蹤

六四鬥士李旺陽離奇死亡後,驚震各界。週三是李旺陽離世頭七,他的好友李化平等20多人,當天在成都為他辦了一個追思悼念會。他們打起「沉冤待雪 旺陽千古」的橫幅,並舉著李旺陽的遺像,在公園舉行了簡單的祭奠儀式。活動進行了兩個小時左右,沒有受到成都當局的騷擾,同時引來一些在公園遊玩的市民圍觀。不過,李旺陽的家人仍然失蹤,外界仍然無法與他們聯繫。




China Helps North Korea with Missiles

CCP Helps North Korea Missiles: News Confirmed

Asahi Shimbun reported on June 13 that the US,
Japan and Korea are aware that
the CCP exported carrier vehicles to North Korea
for its long-range ballistic missiles.
They have not asked the UN for a sanction.

The report said the Japanese government
found that last August,
the CCP exported four vehicles to North Korea,
for delivery of long-range ballistic missiles.

On April 15 in North Korea, a military parade
exhibited ballistic missiles.
Large missile launch vehicles aroused skepticism
from the international community.
An UN advisory group said the 16-wheel carriers
may come from the People’s Republic of China.
Given the complexity to manufacture such vehicles,
North Korea is unlikely to develop this technology.

Days later, on April 20, The New York Times stated
US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta spoke to the House.
It was believed the CCP did help North Korea
to develop these missiles.

Panetta testified on the Armed Services Committee:
“I am sure, [North] Korea got help from China”.

The US government confirmed that the CCP sold
carriers to North Korea.
It is no doubt that Beijing has violated
Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Hu Jia Arrested and Police Stop Visiting Chen’s Family

Beijing human right activist Hu Jia was arrested
on Tuesday night by 20 officials. He was questioned by police overnight.
On Wednesday, he tweeted that he was released,
and police threatened him to avoid sensitive issues.

Superficially, Hu told media the arrest
was because of his contact with overseas media.
In fact, they intended to stop him from visiting
Chen Guangcheng’s family in Shandong.

Hu said Chen’s mother missed her son, so he was
going to take her some photos, but was stopped.

Chen’s nephew Chen Kegui was detained
at Yinan Detention Center.
Chen Kegui’s father Chen Guangfu told Radio Free
Asia that there are no updates about his son.

In the U.S., Chen Guangcheng is going to write
a book about his experiences.
His spokesman Matt Dorf said Chen wants to let
people know China needs more freedom.
He also wants to raise funds
for human rights organizations.

Chen Du commemor

June 4 activist Li Wangyang’s suspicious death
has shocked the public.
On Wednesday, it is his first 7 day anniversary.

Many of his friends, including Li Hua Ping, organized
a memorial service in a park in Chendu.
They displayed Li’s photo and a banner saying:
“The wronged will be rectified, Wangyang Lives Forever.”
During the simple two hour ceremony, no police harassed them.
Some visitors in the park gathered to watch.
However, Li’s family has still 『disappeared’,
having no contact with the outside world.

Li Huaping said that he and dozens of others wrote
letters to the Minister of Public Security.
They asked for an investigation into Li’s death.

June 13, Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic
Democratic Movements in China will also hold memorial services for Li Wangyang.
