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Former Politburo Standing Committee member
Zhou Yongkang was officially expelled from
the Chinese Communist Carty (CCP) and put under
a judicial probe.
The news immediately drew international attention.

Major western media have published many articles
in analysis of Zhou’s crimes and the outcome.

On Dec. 7, the UK-Based Sunday Times said Zhou could
be sentenced to death for leaking state secrets.

The report quoted western diplomatic sources who said
Zhou could face a secret trial, “to avoid the disclosure
of sensitive information about its dealings with
foreign intelligence agencies."

The report also said the CCP has given hints
of possible death penalty for Zhou.
Last Tuesday, 200 high-ranking CCP officials watched
The Case of Huang Kegong in the Great Hall of the People.
The film tells the story of a Long March hero
who was executed for shooting a girl to death.

The Sunday Times said Chinese diplomats abroad also,
“dropped hints that a capital sentence could be
handed down" to Zhou.

Chinese Netizens Call for An Investigation into Zhou Yongkang Protectors

In the meantime, all Chinese media are repeating
a People Daily editorial, which claimed that Zhou’s dismissal
is a decision that has “gained public approval".

But the truth is, Chinese people are questioning how a villain
like Zhou was able to become one of the CCP’s top leaders.

Who promoted and protected him?
How should those protecting Zhou be held accountable?

Thousands of Hong Kong Parents Demonstrate Against Police Violence

Dec. 7 is the 71st day since Hong Kong’s Occupy Central
movement began.
Two Scholarism members are still on hunger strike
to demand a dialogue with the Hong Kong government.
As usual, Hong Kong’s executive chief Leung Chun-ying
made no response to the protesters.

A group of parents demonstrated in the afternoon,
protesting against excessive violence by Hong Kong police
in clearing occupied areas at Mongkok and Lung Wo Road.

Hong Kong media reported that more than 10 parent groups
and about 2,000 people took part in the demonstration.

Most protesters wore black and held yellow umbrellas
and photo evidence of police violence against students.

Some protesters held black slogans saying “Do Not Make
Our Children Live in Horror" and “Parents Should Stand Out".
The demonstration started at Southern Playground and went
to the police headquarters, where a gathering was held.
Protesters said the Hong Kong government and police
should be responsible for violent acts and demanded
an official apology for police abuse of power.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
