【禁闻】徐才厚被起诉 所认之罪最轻?

















采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/钟元

Xu Caihou has Only Been Charged with the Lightest of Crimes.

According to CCP Xinhua News Agency, former vice chairman
of CCP Central Military Commission Xu Caihou,

who was sacked at the end of June, has now been charged
for his suspected involvement in crimes of corruption.

Xu Caihou has confessed to these crimes.

Analysts say, the crime which Xu has confessed to
is actually the lightest among his crimes.

The biggest crime that he has committed
is the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

The CCP authorities have been keeping this news
under wraps to protect its own power.

CCP controlled media “Xinhua News Agency” announced
on Oct.28 via SMS service,

that the Military Prosecutor has concluded its investigation of
corruption upon former vice chairman of CCP
Central Military Commission, Xu Caihou.

The file has been transferred to the Prosecution
for a formal charge.

The report said that Xu Caihou exploited his position for
profit, and helped others to rise in rank in return for bribes
received directly by him or through his family.

The amount involved is massive.

He also used his position and influence to derive
benefit for others, in exchange for enormous bribes.

Xu Caihou has confessed to these crimes of bribery.

Xinhua News report also mentioned that Xu Caihou has been
expelled from the Party prior to this.

The CMC has also expelled Xu from the military
and stripped him of his General rank.

Beijing current affairs commentator Hua Po,
“I believe that he is guilty of cronyism.

He helped others to promote themselves in exchange for bribes.

He was basically trading in “cash for ranks”,
and I think that is the main problem.

The bribe involved was massive,
to the extent that he was disrupting the military.

At this point, I think Xu Caihou ought to worry for his life.”

Media reported on Xu Caihou’s staggering depth of
corruption in the past.

Xu was selling military positions and titles openly.

Deputy director of General Logistics Department,
Gu Houshan, has alone gifted Xu Caihao,

a 12-cylinder Mercedes sedan which contained more than
100kg of gold, cash of 40 million yuan
and a few sets of plush Villas.

When Xu Caihou’s daughter was getting married, Gu Houshan
gave a credit card worth 20 million yuan as a wedding gift.

Current affairs commentator Lin Zixu, “The news reports
on Xu Zaihou is very severe in its tone.

on two occasions it mentioned the massive size of bribes
involved and Xu Caihou’s family involvment .

It looks like Xu Caihou will either face the death penalty
or a delayed death sentence.

He could also follow in Bo Xilai’s footsteps
and face life imprisonment.

His family is also likely to get into a lot of trouble.”

Current affairs commentator Lan Su said,the crimes which Xu
confessed to, were actually the lightest among all his bad deeds.

Xu’s biggest crime is his participation in the
live organ harvesting of innocent Falun Gong practitioners.

Current affairs commentator Lan Su, “For people like Xu Caihou
and Guo Boxiong,

their biggest crimes were committed during the persecution
of Falun Gong under the rule of Jiang Zemin.

They participated in the live organ harvesting of
Falun Gong practitioners.

This has been described as a new form of evil on this planet.

It will be the most severe entry under each of their names
when their deeds are etched into the pillars of shame
in the near future.”

Xu Caihou was personally promoted by former CCP
leader Jiang Zemin.

He was described as Jiang’s “most favorite in the military”.

He executed Jiang’s policies of persecution against Falun Gong
with all his energy and devotion.

The General Logistics Department under his command,

is actually the core organization responsible
for the live organ harvest of Falun Gong practitioners.

On Oct. 21, “World Organization to Investigate
the Persecution of Falun Gong”,

revealed that the CCP military is suspected of harvesting organs
from Falun Gong practitioners who were detained or imprisoned.

Former CCP secretary of defense and member of the CMC,
Liang Guanglie, admitted in a phone interview

that the CMC has held a conference discussing matters
concerning Falun Gong practitioners detained by the military

and the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners
by military hospitals.

Former director of the health sub-department of
CCP General Logistics Department, Bai Shuzhong,

also admitted in a phone interview that the order
to harvest organs from living Falun Gong practitioners

were given directly by Jiang Zemin.

Lu Su said that Zhou Yongkang, Xu Caihou, Bo Xilai and others ,
made full use of the CCP Public Security and CCP military,
to carry out live organ harvesting.

However, the authorities only pursued these people for
their crimes of corruption in order to preserve the regime.

Lan Su, “The CCP authorities do not dare to mention this crime,

because it implicates the Department of Political
Science and Law,

and others like Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai,
who were not previously charged for this crime.

The leaders of Beijing are moving passively along this path.

It is only able to pursue the officials on charges of corruption,
but this path will not work.”

Apart from being a mastermind in the live organ harvesting crime,

former director of the Chinese Military Academy Publishing House,
Xin Ziling, revealed to “NTDTV” in early July,

Xu Caihou also participated in Zhou Yongkang
and Bo Xilai’s failed political coup.

As a coup requires the support of the military, Xi Jinping
has effectively removed a time bomb by purging Xu Caihou.

Xin Ziling also said that Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong,
former vice president of PRC, were also participants of this coup.

Current affairs commentator Zhou Xiaohui said, Xu Caihou
held large amounts of evidence incriminating Jiang Zemin,

Zeng Qinghong and others, are involved in various crimes
of genocide and crimes against humanity.

He also held evidence of Bo Xilai’s failed political coup.

From the way that Xu Caihou confessed to the charges
of bribery and corruption,

it is likely that these evidences were already in the hands of the
Central Discipline Inspection Committee.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhongYuan
