【禁闻】独生子女费31年不加 超生费飙百万



中国独生子女母亲杨女士:“什么都在涨,这些费用根本都不涨, 5块钱什么作用都起不了。现在买一根冰棍要2块5,我觉得(独生子女费)应该随着物价水平上涨。”





同样是补助政策,只因面对的群体有了不同,就出现了完全不同的结果。 记者发现,1982年前后,中共各企事业单位和机关的职工工资补贴里,有两项补贴,分别是洗理费和书报费,从最初的4元涨到了现在的上百元。








采访/朱智善 编辑/张天宇 后制/钟元

No Increase in One-Child Subsidy, but Violation Fee reached 1M Yuan

In China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
makes many rules that are supposed to benefit people,
but are never applied after being passed.
Some subsidy provisions remain unchanged for decades,
no matter how prices rise.
There are many old rules aimed at parts of society
that have gone through big changes [since the times when they were made].
People refer to these as ‘sleeping rules.’
For example, the ‘One-Child Subsidy’ has
remained unchanged for 31 years,
while the ‘One-Child Policy Violation Charge’
has soared to one million yuan ($163 thousand).

31 years ago, the CCP began the so-called ‘One-Child Subsidy’
in order to implement the barbaric ‘One Child Policy.’
It provides a couple who follow the ‘One Child Policy’
a monthly subsidy of between five to 20 yuan ($0.82 to $3.26).
However, the lowest subsidy of five yuan ($0.82) has never
changed, while prices of goods have been rising exponentially.

Ms. Yang, mother of one child: “Prices are increasing,
yet the subsidy never increases.
Five yuan can’t do anything. Even a popsicle costs 2.5 yuan.
I think the subsidy should increase along with the price hike."

Though people demand the ‘One Child Subsidy’ be increased,
the authorities ignore the requests.
Mr. Zhang, Chinese netizen: “Decades have passed.
Now five yuan is worth much less than before,
but even now no change has been made.

This shows that people’s rights are being ignored, and with
no channel for people to express their will, things can’t change."

On the other hand, the authorities fine to those
who violate the ‘One Child Policy;’
it’s called a ‘Social Care fee,’
and it’s been increasing each year.
It went from hundreds, to thousands, to tens of thousands,
then hundreds of thousands, and now it’s over a million yuan.
This has become a huge burden for people, with some even
killing themselves under the pressure of being unable to pay up.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer: “Currently the
CCP regime pursues maximum benefits for itself.
Take the increasing ‘Social Care Fee’ for example,
it’s a very large sum of money.
There is no record of how much is collected and where it goes.
Policy makers enact rules based on their own wills."

The subsidy policies also vary for different parts of society.
Reporters discovered that around 1982,
CCP organizations started two salary subsidies for their own
members and workers: a salon subsidy and a book subsidy.
They have each increased from four yuan to hundreds of yuan.

Mr. Zhang: “Benefits for officials have been increasing.
They control their own benefits, such as salary or reimbursement.
Chinese people’s tax money can’t be monitored.
They don’t get any rights to decide how to spend the money.
Only the few people in the interest group of the CCP
make such decisions."

In addition to such ‘Sleep Policies’ which are totally
not applicable to the society,
the CCP regime also has some policies that are supposedly
meant to benefit the people, but actually only do so on paper.

For example, the ‘Summer Heat Subsidy’ published in 1960
was an allowance originally for industrial, transportation,
and construction sites workers.
However, 53 years later, it has now evolved into a subsidy
for civil workers who work in air-conditioned offices.
Those who work in the heat, such as drivers, construction
workers, deliverymen and others have never received it, and
in many cases, never heard tell of any ‘Summer Heat Subsidy.’

Gong Shengli, researcher at a Chinese financial think-tank:
“All these things are common in China.
The society is going backward.
All rules are to benefit people are but empty decorations."

The ‘Worker Home Leave Rule’ enacted in 1981 was for
those working at state-owned enterprises and institutions.
Following the large scale bankruptcy of nearly
50 thousand state-owned enterprises per year,
it became a benefit for public workers,
yet very few people are able to enjoy it.

Commentators say that in carrying out policies,
China’s officials always focus on whether it’s good for themselves or their image.
They will be proactive if so and negative otherwise.

Along with more and more empty policies and regulations,
people have become completely numb.
